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Note.—The above table does not include part-time pupils. The number of part-time secondary pupils on the roll at 31st December, 1945, was 1,909; the corresponding number in 1944, was 1,362.


Table D8.—CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, Secondary Department.— Average Weekly Roll, Classification, etc.

3—E %


— Average WeeklyRoll. Boll Number, December Classification according to Forms of Pupils on Roll at 1st July. Total. Number of Assistant Teachers (December) Form III. Form IV. Form V. Form VI. Totals. B. G. B. G. B. Gr. B. G. B. Gr. M. F. 1944 .. 1945 .. Difference 709 825 672 738 209 225 286 391 46 61 109 112 23 26 53 53 3 2 9 '8 281 314 457 564 738 878 15 23 54 55 + 116 + 66 + 16 + 105 + 15 +3 +3 - 1 -1 +33 + 107 + 140 + 8 + 1

— Engineers and Mechanics. Electricians. Plumbers, Metalworkers, &c. 1 1 Woodworkers. Painters, Plasterers, &c. Printers, &c. Agricultural Pursuits. Professional Pursuits. Clerical Pursuits. Domestic Pursuits. Dressmakers, * Milliners, Tailoresses, &c. Employed in Shops or in Warehouses. Engaged in various other Trades and Industries. Labourers. No Occupations. Occupations not stated. Totals. All schools and classes — Males Females Totals, 1945 Totlas, 1944 Difference 2,195 572 637 1,183 67 1 95 35 410 45 387 717 1,577 1,749 1,023 37 165 595 436 636 285 114 2,364 826 197 115 11,066 5,397 2,195 1,994 572 563 637 443 1,183 861 68 56 130 124 455 286 1,104 830 3,326 2,908 1,023 634 202 244 1,031 917 921 .801 114 140 3,190* 3,021 312 421 16,463 14,243 +201 +9 + 194 +322 + 12 +6 + 169 +274 +418 +389 -42 + 114 + 120 -26 + 169 -109 +2,220 * Includes 2,038 males and 418 females in the Armed Forces ; the corresponding figures in 1944 were 1,749 and 529.