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Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries, etc. — continued


Country Library Service—continued Less recoveries— £ £ £ Subscriptions . .. ». .. !. 2,076 Salaries .. 51 Books Postage 378 16 Sundries 6 2,527 38,935 Vocational Guidance Salaries 18,221 Office expenses 232 Printing and stationery 290 Office furniture and fittings 407 Rent of offices 1,605 Payments to Post and Telegraph Department for telephone and 736 postal services Travelling and transfer expenses 1,146 Compensation and cost of providing alternative accommodation 842 Sundries 2 23,481 Less recoveries— Salaries 124 Rent 21 Travelling-expenses 11 156 23,325 Miscellaneous ■Conference of education authorities 233 Examination expenses 8,462 •Grading of teachers, costs of appeal, inquiries, &c. 365 Projectors, gramophones, and radios for schools (recoverable) 3,145 Payment for damages to motor-vehicles other than departmental 134 vehicles Teachers' Superannuation Fund— Annual contribution under Act 43,000 Additional allowance to widows and children 6,901 Additional subsidy 95,000 Additional subsidy (loss of interest) 1,685 146,586 Visual education : Equipment for schools, &c. 6,075 Sundries . . .. . . . . 28 Grant to New Zealand Council for Educational Research 3,000 Grant to Waitangi Trust Board 200 Publicity .. .. .. .. .. 1,334 Compensation under Workers' Compensation Act 1,014 170,576 Less recoveries— Examination fees, &c. 17,106 Projectors for schools 3,843 Damages to motor-vehicles 150 Sales of publications 195 Sundries 13 21,307 149,269 Net total, excluding new buildings, &c. 6,632,817