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Table. — NUMBER OF CHILDREN under Supervision of the Child Welfare Branch at 31st March


— 1944. 1945. i 1946. State wards— In foster-homes, hostels, and with friends In situations, including those absent without leave In Government institutions, receiving-homes, &c. In private institutions In Roman Catholic institutions recognized under Child Welfare Act In special schools for backward children In refuges or cognate institutions In hospitals, convalescent homes, &c. In residential colleges (mostly Maori children) 2,477 1,048 261 121 98 142 63 47 10 2,502 1,022 285 108 90 139 59 36 17 2,444 1,006 316 105 82 129 49 40 13 Subtotal Other than State wards — Young persons supervised by Child Welfare Officers in their own homes, with relatives, or with friends, pursuant to orders of Courts Infants supervised in foster-homes registered under the Infants Act Pupils at School for the Deaf, Sumner Pupils at schools for mentally backward, Otekaieke and Richmond (other than State wards included in figures above) Children supervised as preventive cases Children in New Zealand Institute for Blind for whom the Department makes payment 4,267 4,258 4,184 1,375 698 175 38 1,954 24 1,063 799 215 47 1,905 20 1,026 909 238 45 1.629 17 Subtotal 4,264 4,049 3,864 Grand total 8,531 8,307 8,048 British children in New Zealand 203 190 46