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Table E 2.—AGE AND CLASSIFICATION of Pupils at Public Primary Schools, 1st July, 1945


Special Classes for 1 Backward Class P. Standard 1. Standard 2. Standard 3. Age. Children. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. 6 and under 6 3 1 12,453 11,457 6 7 3 2 11,952 11,381 356 *532 3 4 7 8 10 7 6,104 4,563 5,685 6,365 356 564 2 & 8 9 23 16 1,498 942 4,664 3,893 908 5,004 5,750 346 520 9 10 57 27 360 228 1,466 4,482 3,664 4,399 5,352 10 11 72 40 114 65 383 217 1,688 1,024 4,281 3,567 11 12 97 50 33 25 96 61 489 265 1,882 1,244 12 13 106 53 10 13 26 11 125 85 638 374 13 14 99 53 8 4 12 8 39 22 185 130 14 15 72 43 1 1 3 2 11 9 67 34 15 16 13 9 1 8 8 16 17 8 7 17 18 7 22 1 1 Totals 570 330 32,533 28,680 12,691 11,998 12,198 11,387 11,808 11,235 Median age, in years and 12 1 12 5 6 4 6 3 8 1 7 10 9 2 8 11 10 3 9 11 months Standard 4. Form I. Form II. Form III. Totals. Age. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. 5 and under 6 12,456 11,458 6 7 12,314 11,919 7 8 12,157 11,505 8 9 1 4 11,536 11,125 9 10 305 542 1 9 11,070 10,730 10 11 4,145 4,785 276 419 " 6 5 10,965 10,122 11 12 4,123 3,693 2,750 3,589 256 365 1 " 1 9,727 9,293 12 13 1,986 1,290 3,230 2,994 2,622 3,266 4 6 8,747 8,092 13 14 774 443 1,897 1,231 3,094 2,897 30 41 6,138 4,829 14 15 242 132 804 472 1,727 1,310 73 76 3,000 2,079 15 16 . 19 15 115 47 358 210 8 15 522 304 16 17 1 6 2 15 9 1 30 19 17 18 3 2 1 12 25 Totals 11,596 10,904 9,082 8,763 8,080 8,063 116 140 98,674 91,500 Median i age, in years and 11 4 11 0 12 6 12 1 13 4 13 2 1A 4 14 3 months