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(b) We do not recommend a tunnel or tunnels." Although'a tunnel is preferable to a bridge in several important respects, the cost of a vehicular tunnel would be prohibitive. Even a two-lane tunnel with 23 ft. carriageway would cost more than a four-lane bridge with 44 ft. carriageway, having more than three times the traffic capacity. (c) We estimate the cost of the bridge and its approaches, at present-day prices? to be — £ Bridge structure .. .. .. .. .. 2,200,000 Approaches, including contingent alterations and improvements to feeder roads and streets and compensation for land (first stage only) .. .. .. .. 550,000 Loan charges and interest during construction .. .. 250,000 £3,000,000 If, as we recommend later in this report, construction of the bridge and approaches is deferred for five to ten years, we are of the opinion that the cost should not exceed the following : £ Bridge structure .. .. .. 1,750,000 Approaches, &c, as above (first stage only) .. .. 450,000 Loan charges and interest during construction .. .. 200,000 £2,400,000 The first stage of the work on the approaches is defined as the construction of the principal through route, commencing at the intersection of Beaumont and Fanshawe Streets, Auckland, and terminating at the intersection of Napier Avenue and Lake Road, Takapuna, including the reconstruction of Napier Avenue, together with the provision of a branch approach connecting with Curran and Sarsfield Streets, Auckland, including the improvement of those streets, and the provision of lateral connections to a limited number of existing streets in Northcote and Takapuna. The second stage of the work on the approaches is defined as the improvement of roads and streets on the North Shore leading to the approaches or to the bridge structure itself, the extension of the principal through route to Bayswater and Devonport, and the improvement and strengthening of arterial city streets leading to the south abutment. The second-stage work, we consider, will be paid for out of revenue and will not be a charge on the capital fund. Similarly, the conversion of the approaches (first stage) to four-lane standard when required to meet traffic increases will be paid for out "of revenue. (cl) No other alternative is considered necessary. (4) Upon what basis or bases can such direct aeeess be provided and financed* with special reference to construction, maintenance, and operation ? (a) Construction and Capital Finance. —The execution and financing of a work of such magnitude is beyond the resources of any local body or combination of local bodies. The entire responsibility for providing and financing such a work can be assumed only by the Government, which should also reserve full control of and responsibility for the administration, maintenance, and operation of the completed project. We do not recommend the granting of a charter to any public authority or private organization to construct and operate the bridge, though we consider that the construction, in whole or in part, might, if the Government so decides, be carried out by private enterprise under contract. Our detailed recommendations under this heading are as follows : (i) Investigations, surveys, borings, designs, specifications, and economic studies to be carried out by the Government as soon as the necessary specialist staff is available.