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headings pillars have been taken to a point 16 chains from the main haulage, while development of a small section to the west of the headings is proceeding. The coal here is 9 ft. thick, but is likely to thin to the west. In the No. 3 South area pillaring is being continued from the rope end and also in No. 3 West Panel, while No. 2 West Panel is being developed. Here, too, the coal has been shown to thin to the west. A new bathhouse designed for a shift of ninety men is being erected at the No. 2 Mine entrance. The building is in concrete and fibrolite, well lighted, and will be hot-air heated, the water also being electrically heated. An Edison electric-lamp charger with metal rectifier to charge up to two hundred lamps has been installed. Wilton Colliery.—No. 2 Mine : Pillar-extraction continued on both sides of the main headings and also in the Dawson's Dip area, development of which has been completed. No. 3 Mine: In the East Section and B Panel pillars were extracted throughout the year, and at the southern end of B Panel the worked-out area has reached the roadside pillars of the main headings. In the Extended Section three main headings have been extended 23 £ chains from the mine entrance, and a fourth heading .to the west of these is almost completed. The seam has maintained its thickness of 8 ft. to 11 ft. on the line of the headings, but thins to the west. In August a beginning was made in the development of four sections east and west of the main headings. These were started on the five-heading system with crosscuts at 45° in preparation for a system of complete mechanization by the use of shuttle boxes and scraper loading. Development of these sections has been steadily carried on, and heavy-gauge tracks and crossings to suit the proposed transport have been laid in all sections. The No. 1 Mine fan was placed in position at the Extended Section in June, a concreted fan-drift having been prepared for it. A concrete entrance and penthouse have also been constructed at the main heading of this section. Glen Afton No. 1. —Pillar-extraction continued throughout the year in E2 Section beyond the State boundary, while in H Section pillaring was carried out until late September. At this time preparations to resume work inbye of the J fault were concluded, and the men from H Section were placed in a small area of coal to the west of L haulage. Preparations for this included the strengthening and cooling of the stoppings in the J hill area, the retimbering of the main haulage in this locality, which is. subject to heavy floor movement near the fault, and the construction of a new air crossing to restore the return. Glen Afton No. 2 (McDonald Colliery).—Korfman Section : In H Section pillar-extraction continued in 114 left and H 3 right panels. Development of H 3 left headings was stopped in June owing to faulting. K headings have been extended south-west 24 chains from the main Korfman haulage and are now 17J chains inside the McKinnon lease. The coal has thinned considerably in this direction, but to the south-east of the development headings two pairs of headings have been driven for panel development. The upper pair has been driven some 87 chains and panels are being developed in coal 14 ft. thick. The second pair have been driven some 8 chains. In E Section pillar-extraction has continued in thick coal in the inbye panel east of the headings. A serious heating here caused some difficulty in December, but was eventually controlled by a good close. No. 4 Mine : Pillar-extraction 6ontinued throughout the year in the three rise and three dip sections. Rotowaro Colliery.—No. 1 Colliery (Top Seam) : Throughout the year pillar-extraction has continued in No. 1 and No. 4 Sections. The"Hill 60 Section was again re-entered and worked for a short period, but a recurrence of the heating caused the section to be sealed off again. Callaghan's Dip Section (Bottom Seam) : The main headings have been extended to 52 chains from the No. 1 Haulage and are being continued, a bore-hole ahead showing that the seam is maintaining its thickness, though rising somewhat. In the No. 4 Panel to the rise some pillar-extraction has been done, while No. 5 Panel development has been pushed on. In the No. 3 Panel to the dip a small amount of development to the south-west was done early in the year and the extraction of top coal over the roads completed. No. 3 Colliery (Bottom Seam) : In A Section development in a small area of thick coal towards the western outcrop was continued throughout the year, while in B Section pillar-extraction proceeded. Off C Section haulage pillars were taken in Brown's Section to the rise and also in the Wilkie's Dip area. In the New Dip area development is proceeding in a block of unworked coal to the west of the Wilkie's Dip workings and, according to bores, 10 ft. thick. Alison No. 1 Colliery : Pillar-extraction was continued in all panels, and, in addition, the road pillars at the rope end and the barrier pillars between Nos. 1 and 1a Panels are being extracted. Panel headings have been extended beyond 1a Panel, and another panel is being developed to the rise. Towards the end of the year work was resumed in the North Drive beyond the fault with the idea of reaching and providing-an outlet for the coal lying to the north-east of No. 1 Jig. Alison No. 2 Colliery: The main heading has been extended to a distance of 27i chains from the surface, the 41 ft. downthrow fault having been pierced by a short stone drive. Bores ahead of the face indicate that the seam will shortly regain its full thickness after a slight local thinning at the fault.