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Lake County State Scheelite-mines at Glenorchy and Paradise.—All State mining operations ceased early in January at the Glenorchy Mine. Two tribute parties operated on Nos. 6 and 7 levels until the end of June, when the British Government ceased to purchase scheelite concentrates. . Tribute parties have also been testing sections of the Kelly lode, but nothing of importance was located. At the Paradise Mine a tributer erected a small treatment plant for retreating the mine dump. Results were poor, and operations ceased. Two tributers then took up the surface extension of the reef, constructed a second holding-dam, installed a 500 ft. pipe-line, and opened up a few chains of the main reef by sluicing away the overburden. The reef is easily worked after being exposed, and scheelite-bearing ore has been obtained. Operations are being continued, and the wet season in the Lake County at the end of the year materially assisted this party. The plant and equipment from the State mine is being transferred to other mines, chiefly State coal-mines. . The major portion of the married and single men's quarters and four of the State mine houses have been dismantled and removed. The State Mine Treatment Plant. —-This plant has been kept in good order and has treated the balance of the ore from the State mines, also the ore from the tributers and the privately owned mines in the Bonnie Jean, Mount Mcintosh, and Rees Valley reefing systems. Heather Jock Scheelite Syndicate (Wylie Bros.), (Western Slopes of Mount Larkin). —Stoping operations have been continued in this mine, and the lense of scheelite-bearing ore still persists and has yielded 24 tons of concentrates. Operations are ,being continued, and the aerial ropeway is being shifted to a point near the mouth of the mine. The ore will then be transported from this point to the ore bin of the Groves Mine treatment plant, which has now been purchased by the Wylie Bros. Bonnie Jean Mine (Elliot Bros, and Tripp), (South-western Slopes of Mount Larkin). —There has been a good supply of water during the later portion of the season and this has enabled the party to shift a large quantity of heavy overburden. During the early months of the year stoping operations were carried out in the underground southern section of the reef. Prospecting operations have also been carried out on the southern extension of this reef at the Shadows, hear the Bonnie Jean Creek, by Messrs. Harris and Wetherston. Groves Mine (on the Left-hand Terrace of the Bonnie Jean near the Bluffs). —The (Northcote Bros.) continued the testing of the outcrop and the treatment of ore at the treatment plant until April, when W. S. Northcote was killed by a fall of earth. All mining operations ceased, and the Wylie Bros, purchased the treatment plant early in 1946. The Valpy Bucklerburn Grossing River Mine has been in operation during the working season. The Hercules Mine (G. Ross and Party), (on the Lower Slopes of Mount Mcintosh).—Prospecting, stoping, and treatment operations have been actively carried on during the working seasons and good ore has been mined. No work' has been done on Thompson's Reef. Long Gully Reef Extension (B. Gollop and Partner). —-Prospecting and ground-sluicing operations have been carried out steadily during the working season and some good ore has been obtained. Long Gully Reef (M. Shaw and Partner), (in the Big Slip near the Head of Long Gully).— Prospecting and sluicing operations were carried out on this reef-line to the south of the fault and good ore was obtained. Operations ceased shortly after the cessation of Imperial purchase. No mining has been carried out on the dark sides of Black Peak, Mount Mcintosh, or the Upper Precipice Creek reefing systems. Rees Valley Mine (Paulin Bros, and Scott), (Left-hand Terrace, Rees Valley).—Active prospecting, developing, and stoping operations were carried out at this mine until all the ore in sight between the fault and the surface was exhausted. Operations ceased, and the plant was removed in July. On account of the drop in the value of scheelite concentrates and the uncertainty of the market, no work was done at the Muddy Terrace Mine, Upper Rees Valley. Lower Bucklerburn Alluvial Mine (J. Sanders and' Partner). —Ground sluicing for gold and scheelite on Long's Terrace, opposite Campbelltown, proved the area to be of low value. Mining operations were suspended early in the year. The water-race, dams, and pipe-line will be utilized for the generation of power for electric lighting. Dynamo Flat (Left-hand Branch, Skippers Creek). —The Mount Aurum Syndicate has continued to operate Currie's Reef. Prospecting, stoping, and treatment operations have been carried on during the working season. Floodburn, Upper Shotover. —The installation of the plant was completed, but mining operations have been hampered by the frequent floods. Operations are being continued. Very little gold-mining has been carried on in the Lake County during the year on account of war conditions. There are indications that there will be increased activity, as returned men have taken over Short's Mine, downstream from Ballarat Creek, Upper Shotover, and also Sainsbury's Alluvial Mine, Pleasant Valley, Skippers; and the Attley Bros, are intending to resume operations at their River Mine between the Long Gully Creek and Moke Creek Junctions. Scheelite-mining has received a set-back on account of the cessation of Imperial purchase and the uncertainty of the future market price. Vincent County Lower Cairnmuir (W. Thomas and Son). —On account of the urgency of essential work and the shortage of labour on account of war conditions, coupled with the need for adequate pumping plant, prospecting operations only have been carried out.