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•condition throughout the year. Subsidiary roads have been repaired and maintained, and part of the " old " main road has been reopened. The use of a bull-dozer and the grader from the air strip has enabled these works to be completed much more expeditiously and with more permanency than in the past. Administration offices, school buildings, and residences have been repaired and painted where necessary. A new Native-style house has been erected at the hotel for "the accommodation of visiting air crews. The roof of the domestic science class-room at the Arorangi School has been rethatched. Only minor damage was caused to buildings by the storm in January, and repairs were quickly effected.


The health of the people has been good, although minor epidemics of gastroenteritis in June and July, and of influenza in August and September, were experienced. A Native medical practitioner has been stationed at Aitutaki throughout the year. Medical Officers of the United States Army unit at Aitutaki have maintained their interest in the health of the population and have given most valuable assistance in support of the Administration's health services. Plans are under action for the provision of a completely new hospital. A European Head Teacher, with his wife as Infant-mistress, arrived in May, 1945, and assumed charge of Araura School. School buildings have been repaired, and three new class-rooms have been built in replacement of a large class-room which was •destroyed by fire. Two new tanks have been erected to increase the school's watersupply. A citrus nursery has been established; 7,000 seedlings have been successfully planted out and 2,000 young orange trees have been budded. Heavy plantings of arrowroot for export have been made and an abundance of Native food crops has also been planted. All Administration buildings have been maintained in good repair and roads have been well kept. The Residency has been painted throughout and a new truck-shed with cement walls has been erected. Eleven circular tanks, each of 800 gallons capacity, have been built. The United States Armed Forces have maintained a minimum establishment for the operation of the airfield ; employment in maintenance work is afforded by it to local Native labour.


For ten months of the year the health of the people was good, but cerebro-spinal fever appeared in February and March, and there was an outbreak of trachoma in these months also (see Section VI —Medical and Public Health).


— 1941-42. 1942-43. 1943-44. 1944-45. 1945-46. Shipping calls (hiring year* .. Oases of oranges exported High Court cases dealt with .. 15 16,699 179 21 5,770 334 13 571 12 8,997 358 19 12,684 320 * Shipping calls shown lyider these headings include both overseas vessels and inter-island schooners.

~~ 1941-42. 1942-43. 1943-44. 1944-45. 1945-46. Shipping calls during year ■Cases of oranges exported High Court cases dealt with .. 12 29,437 320 8 11,176 465 8 7,841 533 12 11,801 448 12 12,916 528