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HOUSING ACCOUNT Tabulated Revenue and Expenditure Account for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Item. Properties sold under Agreement for Sale and Purchase. Advances under Part V, Housing Act, 1919 (Local Authorities Urban Housing). Advances under Part III, Housing Act, 1919 (Loans to Employers). Advances to Local Authorities under Rural Housing Act, 1939. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Revenue Interest Rent Expenditure (including allocations to Reserve marked*) Interest Management expenses Depreciation Insurance (including war-damage and earthquake insurance) Rates Maintenance Losses and vacant tenancies Excess of revenue over expenditure, transferred to Profit and Loss Account Excess of expenditure over revenue, transferred to Profit and Loss Account Totals £ 1,370 1,091 28 isi 1,496 £ 4,166 £ 7,229 153 7,371 £ 14,753 £ 89 17 1 74 £ 181 £ 2,097 260 1,894 £ 4,251 4,166 4,166 14,753 14,753 181 181 4,251 4,251 Item. Rented Properties (Old) erected prior to 31st March 1937. Rented Properties (New) , • erected under New Housing Scheme. Combined Revenue and Expenditure Account. Dr. Cr. Dr. 1 Cr. Dr. Cr. Revenue Interest Rent Expenditure (including allocations to Resei*ve marked*) Interest Management expenses Depreciation Insurance (including wardamage and earthquake insurance) Rates Maintenance Losses and vacant tenancies Excess of revenue over expenditure, transferred to Profit and Loss Account Excess of expenditure over revenue, transferred to Profit and Loss Account Totals £ 10,573 5,837 15,262* 1,860* 10,864 14,503 482 £ 56*239 3,142 £ 358,871 106,853 239,701* 68,784* 186,982* 286,600* 64,658* £ 1,293j 157 19,292 £ . 380,229 114,211 254,963 70,673 197,846 301,103 65,321 £ 23,351 1,349,396 ' 11,599 59,381 59,381 1,312,449 1,312,449 1,384,346 1,384,346