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plant and buildings. When the scheme was cancelled it became the duty of the Corporation, in conjunction with representatives of the Department of Agriculture, to investigate claims for compensation and arrange for the necessary payments to the companies concerned. The disposal of surplus plant was the responsibility of the Department of Agriculture. In all, claims aggregating £237,507 were recorded for consideration. In some cases the companies concerned were in a position to take over portions of the plant and buildings, but in others the assets were surrendered, and realization has been proceeding as quickly as convenient. Farmers' Loans Emergency Regulations and other Subsidiary Activit t fs Other wartime services undertaken by the Corporation are — (a) Organizing and operating, in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Primary Production Councils, a scheme for increasing the production of foodstuffs urgently required by Britain and her allies. Under this heading, loans were granted to 172 applicants, and the total amount advanced has exceeded £71,000 : (b) Implementing the production drive and assisting, where necessary, with special arrangements for the housing of additional employees on farms and by dairy factories. The investigation of applications and the provision of financial assistance in connection with these matters has been the responsibility of the Corporation. Under these schemes temporary accommodation has been provided in 1,210 cases, and additional permanent houses were erected : (c) At various times during the war the Corporation's officers have been co-opted in assembling data and advising on the question of farming costs, &c. We refer here to such matters as price fixation for the purposes of Government purchases of produce and for the purposes of stabilization : (d) The staff of the Corporation has also made a very useful contribution towards the effective administration of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, and since the Act has been in force our field officers have assisted materially with valuation work, both in respect of rural and urban properties referred for consideration by the Land Sales Committees. Loans under Administration The following table, showing the number and value of loans under administration, is evidence that in the aggregate the volume of business under the jurisdiction of the Corporation is very substantial: — Loans outstanding at the 31st March, 1946 (which incidentally include Rehabilitation Loans on Rural and TJrban Securities) Number. Amount. (a) Loans on mortgage — £ (i) Rural securities .. .. .. .. 18,094 23,644,143 (ii) Urban securities .. .. .. .. 36,107 23,825,094 (b) Government and local-body investments .. .. 1,948 7,711,837 (c) Government agencies for Treasury and other Departments (excluding rehabilitation loans) .. .. .. 1,126 338,748 (d) Rehabilitation loans, other than loans on farms and dwellings—administration of loans granted to ex-servicemen by the Rehabilitation Loans Committee— Number. Amount. £ Tools of trade .. .. .. 587 9,4-23 Furniture .. .. .. ... 10,697 699,009 Business .. .. .. .. 1,929 860,805