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Arising from the earthquakes at Hanmer Springs on 30th August, 1945, forty-three claims were made, and from the shock of 12th February, 1946, when the maximum intensity was in the Wanganui district, seventeen claims were received. Both of these shocks were rated as Class VI on the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale of 1931, which describes shocks of that intensity as " Felt by all; many frightened and run outdoors. Some heavy furniture moved ; a few instances of fallen plaster or damaged chimneys. Damage slight." Claims were also made for earthquake damage to property at Auckland, Napier, Dannevirke, Kaetihi, Taihape,. Marton, Palmerston North, Lower Hutt, Wellington, Christchurch, and Invercargill. (4) The survey of buildings which was commenced two years ago is giving very valuable information from the insurance aspect, but progress is slow owing to lack of sufficient expert staff. Every effort is being made to have this essential work speeded up. (5) The Commission desires to record its appreciation of the excellent service of the staff in dealing with the work of the Commission and the many inquiries made by insurance offices and of the public. T. L. Seator, Secretary.