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Considerable flood-damage restoration at Woodhen Bend on the Nelson-Westport Highway was carried out. The year was one of the most consistently wet periods recorded in the West Coast district, and this occasioned considerable flood damage and some deterioration of highways. A length of 3-J miles of maintenance sealing and 64 chains of new sealing was carried out, the latter on the Greymouth-Waiho State Highway. Four bridges of total length 195 ft. have been completed, as well as bridge and culvert approaches for these and for previously completed structures. Two further bridges are now under construction. In North Canterbury 90 chains of the Picton-Christchurch State Highway and 3|- miles of the Hawarden-Heathstock Main Highway were resealed, and a contract for a further 5 miles of this work near Kaikoura has been awarded. Replacement of a small bridge on the Picton-Christchurch Highway at Tin Hut Creek by twinpipe culverts is in hand. At Kaiapoi, on the same highway, construction of a 160 ft. bridge over the north branch of the Waimakariri was about one-third completed at close of the period. Near this site preparatory work for erection of the projected overbridge has been in hand. In the Mid-Canterbury district some eight miles of maintenance sealing was completed during the year. On the main south highway between Winchester and Temuka two deviations totalling 40 chains in length were formed and metalled. Maintenance sealing in the South Canterbury district totalled 49 chains for the year. Considerable flood damage was sustained by highways in South Canterbury and Otago districts towards the close of the period. In Central and South Otago districts a total length of approximately 9 miles of maintenance sealing was completed during the year, despite the interference of flood conditions with the sealing season. On St. Bathan's Loop Highway replacement of a timber bridge with a 40 ft. concrete structure was put in hand, and on the Milton-Queenstown State Highway the construction of f mile of concrete footpath was completed adjacent to Roxborough. In Southland district 4f miles of maintenance sealing has been carried out in Gore and Bluff Boroughs lengths of State highways. On the Queenstown-Invercargill State Highway between Branxholm and Burtons Corner 2| miles of new sealing was completed, and four small concrete bridge renewals of a total length of 68 ft., together with 30 chains of approaches. General maintenance and a steady programme of metalling has been maintained as permitted by man-power, &c. Contacts with Local Bodies and Automobile Associations. —During the latter part of the financial year covered by this report the Board visited the North Auckland, Auckland, and Tauranga Highways Districts for the purpose of inspecting the highways and conferring with local bodies and motoring interests. This was the first tour of inspection made by the Board since the commencement of the war in Europe, and it can be said that, chiefly speaking, the Board found the condition of highways better than they expected, and, although maintenance had not been kept up to first-class standard in several localities, it was fairly reasonable under the circumstances. During the conferences with local authorities the Board was unable to agree to recommend the declaration of additional highways at the present time, but promised to review all applications just as soon as the Board's financial position allowed it to accept additional responsibilities. The Board is grateful for the co-operation given by local authorities and automobile associations during the difficult years of the European war, and looks forward to continuation of the same good relations in the future. Magnetic Truck, —During the year this machine has been in operation clearing aerodromes and military camps in the North Island ; also sweeping main highways when travelling between the various defence depots. The machine is also hired when requested to local authorities and private concerns for the same purpose—that is, to pick up all puncture-producing materials. During the year the weight of puncture-producing articles picked up on defence works was 8,842 lb., on highways 8,386 lb. (over a distance of 2,887 miles), and on local-body and private areas, 6,505 lb. The average weight of material picked up on highways in the North Island for the year has therefore been 2-95 lb. per mile, as compared with the previous years average (for both the North and South Islands) of 1-43 lb. per mile. Since September, 1944, there has been a trailer-type magnet operating in the South Island. The weight of puncture-producing articles picked up to 31st March, 1945, on defence areas was 580-lb., on highways 1,767 lb. (over a distance* of 2,038 miles), and on local-body and private areas 980 lb. The average weight of material picked up on highways in the South Island for the period mentioned above has therefore been -867 lb. per mile. Sign-posting. —The amount expended by the Board during the year in subsidizing the erection and maintenance of road signs by the Automobile Association of New Zealand was £2,888. Examination for Foremen and Overseers of Road Construction. —The eighteenth examination for Foremen and Overseers of Road Construction was held on the 6th December, 1944, when 16 candidates presented themselves for examination. Thirteen papers on general road construction and maintenance and 9 papers on tar, bituminous, and concrete-road construction were returned. Seven, candidates were successful in passing Paper No. 1, while 6 candidates passed Paper No. 2. One candidate passed the full examination, and a further 3 who had previously secured a partial pass completed the examination. The 8 candidates who were successful in one paper only were credited with a partial pass. The Board appreciates the valuable assistance given by the Public Works Department in matters relating to highways administration, and extends its sincere thanks to the officers concerned. Signed on behalf of the Main Highways Board : W. L. Newnham, M.lnst.C.E., Chairman.