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" 7. That the Interim Commission further consider the desirability of assigning to the permanent organization functions in the field of:— " (a) Development of agricultural resources and orientation of production, where necessary ; " (b) Agricultural commodity arrangements ; " (c) Agricultural co-operative movements ; " (d) Land tenure ; " (e) Other subjects on which recommendations have been made by the Conference ; " 8. That the Interim Commission also consider the initiation of preliminary statistical investigations and research into the problems with which the permanent organization will deal; " 9. That the Interim Commission be deemed to have been dissolved when the permanent organization has been established ; " 10. That the Government of the United States of America be invited to take whatever preliminary action may be necessary for the establishment of the Interim Commission after the United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture has completed its work." 2. Delegates to the Interim Commission were designated (Appendix II), pursuant to paragraph 2 of the above Resolution, by the Governments of all the United and Associated Nations, and the Commission was convened in Washington on July 15, 1943. The Commission now presents its First Report, which has the unanimous concurrence of its constituent Delegates. B. EXPERT ADVISERS 3. The Commission felt itself to be in need of technical advice in regard to many of the subjects referred to it by the resolutions of the Hot Springs Conference. It therefore decided to ask certain distinguished scientists and economists conversant with problems of nutrition and agriculture to act in an advisory capacity. These experts constituted the Scientific and Economic Panels which advised the Commission on the scope, functions, and methods of operation of the permanent organization on food and agriculture. It is appropriate to record in the forefront of this Report the Commission's deep appreciation of their invaluable assistance. The panels were composed as follows :— Economic Panel— Chairman: Mr. H. R. Tolley (United States), Chief, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture. Professor H. F. Angus (Canada), Economics Department, University of British Columbia. Dr. Antonin Basch (Czechoslovakia), formerly Head, Research and Economics Department, National Bank of Czechoslovakia ; Economics Department, Columbia University. Professor J. D. Black (United States), Professor of Economics, Harvard University. Mr. R. R. Enfield (United Kingdom), Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Professor A. G. B. Fisher (New Zealand), Professor of International Economics, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London. Dr. Alexander Loveday, Director of Economic, Financial and Transit Department, League of Nations. Mr. Ansgar Rosenborg, Economic, Financial and Transit Department, League of Nations. Professor T. W. Schultz (United States), Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of Chicago. Scientific Panel— Chairman: Professor J. A. Scott Watson (United Kingdom), Professor of Rural Economy, Oxford University. Dr. E. C. Auchter (United States), Administrator of Agricultural Research, United States Department of Agriculture. Dr. G. S. H. Barton (Canada), Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Dr. F. G. Boudreau (United States), Chairman, Food and Nutrition Board, National Research Council. Dr. R. E. Buchanan (United States), Director, Agricultural Experiment Station and Dean of Graduate School, lowa State College. Dr. Andre Mayer (France), Professor and Vice-President, College de France. Professor L. A. Maynard (United States), Professor of Animal Nutrition, Cornell University. Dr. Paris E. Menendez (Paraguay), Director of Central Laboratory, Ministry of Agriculture. Dr. T. H. Shen (China), Vice-Director, National Agricultural Research Bureau ; Member of National Resources Commission. Dr. R. D. Sinclair (Canada), Dean of Agriculture, University of Alberta. Dr. M. L. Wilson (United States), Director of Extension, United States Department of Agriculture. 4. These expert advisers have contributed in large measure to the discharge by the Commission of the duties laid upon it, by their expert and comprehensive advice on the problems referred to them and by the devotion and energy which they have given, separately and in co-operation, to their voluntary task. The Commission cannot too highly commend their services or too fully recognize its own indebtedness to them. It records with satisfaction that their advice on all the matters referred to them was unanimous. 5. The Commission has utilized the services of consultants from other organizations, national and international, to assist in certain phases of its work. It particularly desires to record its appreciation of the assistance rendered by Mr. C. Wilfred Jenks, Legal Adviser of 'the International Labour Office, who has contributed unstintingly of his experience and skill in the preparation of the Constitution.