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(а) Equipment required for investigation into production of building hard-boards from New Zealand timber. £24,207 on main estimates. (б) Provision for purchase and erection of temporary storago shed at the Laboratory. (c) Not required in view of cossation of munitions programme. (d) Fare to England of fiancee of Agricultural Specialist soconded to tho Imperial Agricultural Bureau, which is reimbursing the Department for this expenditure. (e) Provision to moet portion of increased cost of research programmes at theso institutions. Amounts provided on main estimates : Canterbury Agricultural College, £4,710 ; Carter Observatory, £500 ; Cawthron Institute, £4,810 ; Industrial Psychology, £2,090 ; Massoy Agricultural Colloge, £4,273 : total, £16,383. (/) Estimatod cost of transferring and installing equipment being taken over from war establishment.


ofPeiBons. For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund— £ £ £ L_ continued 1945-46'l944-45 I ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued VOTE—SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH— continued Subdivision No. VII.—Dominion Physical Laboratory Other Charges for and incidental to — Instruments, apparatus, equipment, and stores, purchase of | (additional) .. .. .. . . .. ! (a) 1,200 Permanent improvements, including buildings, roading | fencing, &c. .. .. .. .. .. (b) 400 1,600 Less amount provided on main estimates not required : Wages .. .. .. .. .. (c) 3,049 lotah-Subdivision No. VII .. .. .. Cr. 1,449 Subdivision No. VIII.—Grants and Miscellaneous Services Other Charges for and incidental to — Fare to England of fiancee of Agricultural Specialist (recoverable) .. .. .. .. .. (d) 125 Grants to research and allied institutions in New Zealand— £ Canterbury Agricultural College (additional) .. 2,095 Carter Observatory (under section 19, Carter Observatory Act, 1938), (additional) .. 125 Cawthron Institute (additional) .. .. 1,755 Industrial Psychology (additional) .. .. 895 Massey Agricultural College (additional) .. 1,369 (e) 6,239 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote), (additional) — Fare to England of fiancee of Agricultural £ Specialist .. .. .. .. 125 Total—Subdivision No. V111 .. .. .. 6,364 Subdivision No. IX.—Auckland Industrial Development Laboratories Salaries— Other Salaries 24 .. 24 (£175 to £740) 3,800 47 .. Other Charges for and incidental to — Furniture and fittings, purchase of .. .. .. 500 Instruments, apparatus, equipment, and stores, purchase of 5,515 Maintenance and operating expenses of laboratories, workshops, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 450 Motor-vehicles : Purchase, repairs, and running-expenses .. 350 Office expenses .. .. .. .. .. 496 Overtime and meal allowances .. .. .. 400 Payments to Post and Telegraph Department .. . . 145 Printing and stationery .. .. .. .. 200 Removal and installation expenses .. .. .. (f) 1,200 Rent and rates .. .. .. .. .. 250 Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. .. 250 Wages .. .. .. .. .. .. 700 Contingencies .. .. .. .. .. 10