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(a) Repairs to Post and Telegraph Department's car damaged whilst hired by this Department. (b) During the current year the Director of the Plant Chemistry Laboratory visited the United States of America to study the latest developments in the field of anti-biotics (£640), whilst two officers from the Plant Research Bureau and the Soil Survey Branch are visiting Australia to attend conferences on linen flax and soil problems (£175). Amount on main estimates, £1,770. (c) A Fats Research Laboratory has been set up for the primary purpose of investigating the composition of New Zealand butter in view of the serious competition expected from margarine on the English market. (d) £19,434 on main estimates. _ Additional amount for (i) equipment transferred to the Dairy Research Institute ex the Internal Marketing Division s dried-butterfat plant at Frankton, £700; an equal amount is being recovered from Internal Marketing Division for services rendered by the Institute in the production of dried butterfat; (ii) equipment for the newly established Fats Laboratory, £1,395 ; (iii) equipment for the refrigerated-gas fruit-store, £300; (iv) equipment for an anti-biotics section to be established within the Plant Chemistry Laboratory, £400. (e) £15,208 on main estimates. Additional required for Fats Laboratory, £150, and repairs to refrigerated-gas fruit-store, (/) £2,470 on main estimates. Provision now made for purchase of a mobile drilling rig for use by the Coal Survey Division, which is intensifying its activities. (<?) £7,356 on main estimates. Provision now made for (i) purchase of an orchard in Central Otago for research into stonefruit problems, £5,000; (ii) additional temporary accommodation for Plant Research Bureau (£300) and Soil Survey Branch (£300). J


Salaries. Other Charges, Tota). VOTE-SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH— £ £ £ Subdivision II.—Research Investigations .. ... .. .. 5,074 13,194 18 268 ,, III.—Dominion Laboratory .. .. .. .. 4,000 4,000 „ IV.—Dominion Observatory .. .. .. .. .. 200 200 „ V. —Geological Survey .. .. .. .. .. 10,5 105 „ VII.—Dominion Physical Laboratory .. .. .. .. Cr. 1,449 Cr. 1,449 ,, VIII.—Grants and Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. 6,364 6,364 ,, IX.—Auckland Industrial Development Laboratories .. 3,800 10,466 14,266 GROSS Total 8,874 32,880 41,754 CREDITS-IN-AID .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,325 6,325 NET TOTAL .. .. .. 8,874 26,555 35,429 Number „ . of Persons. * k For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — 1945-461944-45 continued ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued VOTE—SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Subdivision No. II.—Research Investigations Salaries — N on-Permanent 1 1 at £1,000 (Director of Building Research), (4 months) .. 333 Other Salaries 22 22 (£145 to £800), (additional).. .. .. .. 4,741 23 •• 5,074 Other Charges for and incidental to— - ; Cost of repairs to Post and Telegraph Department's car .. (a) 24 Expenses of officers overseas (additional) .. .. (6) 815 Furniture and fittings, purchase of (additional) .. .. ( c ) 150 Instruments, apparatus, equipment, and laboratory stores, purchase of (additional) .. .. .. ..(d) 2,795 Maintenance and operating expenses of laboratories, experimental areas, factories, &c. (additional) .. .. (e) 750 Motor-vehicles : Purchases, repairs, maintenance, license fees, and running-expenses (additional) .. .. (f) 2,750 Office expenses (additional) .. .. ., .. (c) 105 Overtime and meal allowances (additional) .. .. (c) 75 Payments to Post and Telegraph Department (additional) (c) 30 Permanent improvements, including buildings, roading, fencing, &c. (additional) .. .. .. .. (g) 5 ,600