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8.—7 [PT. ll]



(a) Officers returning from military service. (ft) £1,000 on'main estimates. Extra provision made for officers for veterinary clubs. There will be a corresponding recovery from the New Zealand Dairy Board. (c) Provision to cover investigation into preservation of curd. Amount recoverable from Pig-meats Suspense Account. (d) £1,600 on main estimates. Further vehicles required. (e) Provision for an Agricultural Liaison Officer to be looated in London.



of N Persons F°i" Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund— £ £ £ continued 1945-401944-45 ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued VOTE —AGRICULTURE—continued Subdivision No. II. —Live-stock Division Salaries — Other Salaries 30 30 (£320 to £640) .. .. .. . - .. (a) 3,667 Other Charges for and incidental to — Cost of passages, Veterinary and Technical Officers, to New Zealand (part recoverable), (additional) .. (b) 1,500 Preservation of curd (recoverable) .. .. .. (c) 500 2,000 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) —- £ Cost of passages .. .. ., 1,500 Preservation of curd .. .. .. 500 2,000 Total — .. .. .. — 5,667 Subdivision No. III.—Horticulture Division Salaries— Other Salaries 3 | . 3 (£300 to £485) .. .. .. .. .. (a) 760 Total —Subdivision No. Ill .. .. .. 760 Subdivision No. IV. —Dairy Division Salaries — Other Salaries 16 .. 16 (£100 to £485) .. .. .. .. .. (a) 3,632 Other Charges for and incidental to— Bicycles and motors, purchase of (additional) .. .. (d) 760 Total —Subdivision No. IV .. .. .. 4,392 Subdivision No. V. —Fields Division Salaries— Professional Division £900 (part year), (Director), (increase in salary) .. 13 Other Salaries 13 | .. 13 (£290 to £840) .. .. .. .. .. (a) 3,622 Location allowances .. .. .. .. .. (e) 120 3,755