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15.—7 [PT. II



(a) This item was included on the main estimates under " Other Salaries," which have now been correspondingly reduced by £8,375. (b) Now provided under vote " National Employment Service." (c) Includes reduction of £8,735 referred to in (a) above plus £15,610 no longer required because of reduction in staff. (d) £9,400 provided on main estimates. Additional amount provides for £4,000 at Whangarei where accommodation urgently required has to be fitted up in another building. £1,000 for New Plymouth, and £782 for other offices. (e) Provides for the expenditure incurred by the Revision Authorities appointed under Amendment No. 17 to the National Service Emergency Regulations 1940 to hear applications for release from military defaulters held in detention. (/) Estimated expenditure not required as result of reduction in work. (g) Amount no longer required as result of work carried out by Education Department for National Service Department ceasing on 30th June, 1945. (h) Estimated reduction as result of Appeal Boards being disbanded. This is in addition to a substantial reduction anticipated and allowed for on main estimates.


I I I Salaries. j Other Charges. Total. VOTE-NATIONAL SERVICE— £ f £ Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. .. Or. 16,048 Or. 2,843 Or. 18,891 Ceedits-in-aid .. .. .. .. Dr. 16,048 Dr. 2,843 Dr. 18,891 NET TOTAL ofPersmis For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — £ £ £ continued 1945-461944-45 1 ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT —continued VOTE—NATIONAL SERVICE Salaries— Man-power Appeal Committees— 15 .. 15 (£500 to £675) .. .. .. .. .. (a) 8,375 Less amounts provided on main estimates not required — Administrative Division: 1 at £1,225 £ (Director of National Service), (4 months) (b) 408 Other salaries .. .. .. (c) 24,015 24,423 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 — Recoveries from vote : National Employ- £ ment Service .. .. .. 45,000 Less amounts no longer recoverable — £ Recoveries from vote "Labour" 4,240 Recoveries from War Expenses Account .. .. .. 56,808 61,048 Dr. 16,048 Or. 16,048 Other Charges for and incidental to— Fitting up accommodation (additional) .. .. .. (cZ) 5,782 Revision Authorities, military defaulters (including salaries and fees, travelling-expenses, and other incidental expenses) .. .. .. .. ..(e) 2,000 7,782 Less amounts provided on main estimates not requiredOvertime and meal allowances .. .. .. (/) 7,000 Services rendered by other Departments .. .. (g) 2,625 Appeal Boards and Man-power Committees (includes travelling-expenses, members' fees, and other incidental expenses) .. .. .. .. (h) 1,000 Or. 10,625