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8.—7 [PT. I]



la) Air passages for members, £20 10s. ; expenses incidental to opening of Parliament, £30 14s. Gd. ; moving furniture and fittings in connection with renovations and re-arrangement of accommodation, £82 13s. 4d. ; motor hire for Leader of Opposition, £13 os. lOd.; wreath, £2 25.: total, £149 os, Bd. 2


Number iq44-4f) of Persons. 1945-46 1945-461944-45 T ~~ TOT , ,nT„u Voted ' I Expended. VOTE—LEGISLATIVE —continued ! £ £ £ Subdivision No. VII. —General Expenses Charges for and incidental to — Allowance to Police Constables in attendance during session 50 50 28 Allowance to the Leader of the Opposition .. .. 187 187 178 Expenses incidental to rearrangement of accommodation, public functions, obsequies, &c. . . .. . . («) 100 Expenses of Select Committees of the House sitting during the recess .. .. .. .. ■ • 10 200 163 Furniture — £ Purchases .. .. . • • • 600 Maintenance and repairs .. .. .. 300 900 3,340 3,472 Hire of motor-cars for Speakers of both Houses and their wives .. .. • • •• ■ • ■• 25 25 6 Meals to messengers, &c., on late-sitting nights and meal allowances .. .. • • ■ ■ • • 150 • 75 151 Miscellaneous stores: Brooms, brushware, soap, cleaning material, matches, tools, coal buckets, shovels, &c. .. 450 450 474 Office equipment for Ministers' offices .. .. .. 723 80 43 Office expenses .. .. ■■ •• •• 6,030 5,998 6,132 Passages and expenses of witnesses attending Committees 10 10 10 Passages of — Members of both Houses — £ Steamer .. .. .. • • 1,4 )0 Service car .. .. .. .. 50 Members' wives— 1 > "150 1,450 1,340 Steamer .. .. .. • • 300 Service car .. .. .. . .. 20 320 320 241 Payment of monetary equivalent of leave due to deceased officers .. .. • • ■ • • • • • 50 50 27 Payments to Post and Telegraph Department .. .. 900 1,100 798 Printing of Statutes, Journals, Appendices, Bills, Order Papers, Standing Orders, Statutory Regulations, &c. .. 4,500 4,500 4,413 Railway passes and concessions to members and ex-members of the Legislature, families, relations, &c., cost of .. 26,000 26,000 26,314 Railway sleeping-berths — £ Members .. .. .. • • • • 1 > 250 Members' wives .. .. .. .. 350 1,600 1,600 1,429 Refund to Post Office, being difference between special and ordinary rates for telegrams from members of the General Assembly 1.500 1,500 1,500 Supply of publications to Members of the Legislature .. 400 450 368 Telephone services (rents and calls): Payment to Post and Telegraph Department of difference between full rates and half rates allowed to members of the House of Representatives and Legislative Council .. .. 1,150 1,150 1,002 Travelling allowances and expenses of — Members travelling to atid returning from Parlia- £ ment . . .. • • • • • • 500 Speakers of both Houses during recess .. .. 20 Clerks of both Houses . . .. .. 200 Staff and messengers (including late sitting nights) 120 840 1,220 683 Uniforms for messengers and night-watchmen .. .. 400 150 128 Contingencies .. .. • • • • • • 45 50 (a) 149 Train, bus, and tram fares, freights, and cartage, &c. .. .. 100 145