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NATIVE DEPARTMENT—continued SPECIAL NATIVE HOUSING FUND Statement of Receipts ant) Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1944 Receipts £ Payments £ Balance, Ist April, 1943 .. .. .. .. 94,849 Payments .. .. .. .. .. 11,994 Grant from Consolidated Fund equivalent to amount of Balance, 31st March, 1944 .. .. .. .. 105,927 Native Trust Office profits (1941-42) paid to Consolidated Fund revenue .. .. .. • • 3,052 Receipts ~ .. .. .. .. •• 20,020 £117,921 £117,921 Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1944 Expenditure £ £ Income £ Rented properties— Rented properties (rents) .. .. .. 583 Rates .. .. .. .. 43 Net interest earned— .. ~ .. £ Insurance .. .. .. .. 22 On loans to Maoris .. .. .. .. 3,303 Repairs ~ .. .. .. .. 1 On funds held by the Native Trustee and Maori Depreciation .. .. .. .. 131 Land Boards .. .. .. .. 1,956 197 5,259 War-damage insurance: Fund's proportion .. 131 Insurance rebates .. .. .. .. 22 Excess income over expenditure carried down .. 5,536 £5,864 £5,864 £ £ Balance, transferred to Housing Fund .. .. 5,624 Balance brought down .. .. .. .. 5,536 Adjustment previous years : Rented properties .. .. 88 £5,624 £5,624 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1944 friabilities £ Assets £ £ Special Native Housing Fund .. .. .. 183,213 Land not yet built on— Deposits and credit balances against advances .. 4,925 Purchased .. .. .. .. 380 Creditors .. .. • • • • • • 11 Donated .. .. .. .. 25 405 Rental properties— £ Acquisition land and improvements 460 Ereotion eleven cottages .. .. 4,443 4,903 Erection two huts on Crown land .. 123 5,026 Vacant section .. .. .. .. 209 5,235 Less Depreciation Reserve .. . . 310 4,925 Loans to Maoris (410 loans) — Principal .. .. .. .. 76,603 Interest due .. .. .. .. 240 — ; — 76,843 Debtors .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 Cash balances — With Maori Land Boards.. .. .. 18,883 With Native Trustee .. .. . . 87,044 105,927 £188,149 £188,149 Special Native Housing Fund Dr. £ Or. £ Balance, 31st March, 1944 .. .. .. .. 183,213 Balance, Ist April, 1943 .. .. .. ... 174,537 Additional grant .. .. . . .. .. 3,052 Excess income over expenditure for 1943-44 .. .. 5,624 £183,213 £183,213 Explanatory Note.—To enable the Board of Native Affairs to exercise fully its powers and functions in respect of Natives who in the opinion of the Board, are unable to furnish the security required under the Native Housing Act, and for the purpose of assisting the most urgent and necessitous cases, a special Native Housing Fund lias been established by section 18, Native Housing Amendment Act, 1938, consisting of grants totalling £158,685 which have been paid into the Native Trustoc's Account for disbursement through the Maori Land Boards as directed by the Board of Native Affairs. All interest, repayments of principal, and other accumulations belong to the Fund and may be utilized in granting advances for housing purposes. G. P. Shepherd, Under-Secretary and Native Trustee. M. J. Lawless, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Statement of Receipts and Payments, Income and Expenditure Account, and Balancesheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return 8.-l fPt. IV]. The following comment is appended : Part of the money provided for employment-promotion in connection with Native housing has not been recorded in the Balance-sheet.— Cyril G, Collins, Controller and Auditor-General,