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LAJN I) b'UB BKII ifiSMJSINTo ACCOUNT—continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1944 Liabilities Assets General General £ Capital— £ £ Cash and investments in the Public Account .. 1,331,295 Loans .. .. .. .. 7,630,270 Consolidated Fund: For interest on investments Crown lands included in estates .. 211,940 in Public Account .. .. .. .. 863 Cheviot Estate Account (see subsidiary Losses in Suspense .. .. .. .. 4,921 accounts attached) .. .. 320,111 Sundry miscellaneous debtors .. .. .. 794 Sales of Crown land under section 20, Revenue Account: Loss to 31st March, 1944 .. 199,802 Land Act, 1924 .. .. 3,094,413 Capital transferred from Discharged Estates Soldiers Settlement Account .. 4,789 Land— £ Cash referring to other Depart- Leased .. .. .. .. 8,804,119 ments and funds— £ Unleased .. .. .. 62,218 Hauraki Plains Account .. 3,238 8 866 337 Lands and Survey Depart- Provisional State forest .. .. .. 3'158 ment Aocount .. 286 Buildings and improvements unsold .. .. 7,610 Survey Liens Account .. 3,339 Advances on mortgage: Section 35, Swamp Land Drainage Ac- Finance Act, 1940.. .. .. .. 1(50 count .. .. 530 Sales debtors— Native Land Development Buildings, &c. .. .. .. 76,290 Account .. .. 53,149 Land .. .. .. .. 462,743 Native Housing Act, 1935, 539,033 Account .. .. 23,740 Plant and maohinery .. .. 3,835 Less depreciation .. .. .. 3,451 84,282 384 Less in Small Farms Loading on Otago University endowment Account .. .. 62,066 leases: Capital .. .. .. .. 1,260 22,216 Debtors for— 11,303,739 Royalties, rents, instalments, &e. .. 57,473 Deposits by lessees: Section 208, Land Act, 1924 .. 33,020 Postponed charges .. .. 10,944 Consolidated Fund: For interest due— £ Departmental and miscellaneous .. 1,706 On loan capital .. .. .. 411,921. — 70,123 On funds of other Departments and Realization Account .. .. .. 381 accounts .. .. .. 3,011 Interest accrued but not due .. .. .. 5,722 On capital moneys received from sale of Crown lands (section 13, Land Laws Land-development Amendment Act, 1926) .. .. 11,933 Land— £ 426,865 Leased .. .. .. .. 100,541 Reserve for losses on assets transferred from Unleased .. .. .. 12,304 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. 8,191 112,845 Writings-off in Suspense .. .. .. 4,921 Sales debtors— Hutt Valley Land Settlement Account (see Buildings, &c. .. .. .. 990 subsidiary accounts attached) .. .. 1,297 Land .. .. .. .. 21,647 22,637 Estates Water-supply: Headworks .. .. .. 2,717 Rents and interest charged in advance .. .. 93,085 Mortgage outstandings (not yet payable)— Payments in advance : Rents and instalments .. 6,762 Current Account .. .. .. 74,628 Sundry suspense accounts .. .. .. 482 Instalment mortgage i. .. 110,112 Sundry creditors: Departmental and miscellaneous 1,745 190,740 Crown and settlement lands under Land-development development .. .. .. 287,094 Land set aside (section 8, Land Laws Amendment Expenditure 011 development of Crown Act, 1929) — and settlement landsAreas under development— £ Improvements .. .. .. 300,124 Crown lands .. .. .. 30,518 Chattels .. .. .. .. 16,906 Primary education endowment lands 890 Seasonal and live-stock .. .. 28,585 Settled areas— 345,615 Crown lands .. .. .. 44,990 Sundry debtors for— Primary education endowment lands 178 Rents, instalments, water levies, &c... 6,107 — 76,576 Postponed charges .. .. 35 Rents and interest charged in advance .. 1,168 Departmental and miscellaneous .. 339 Payments in advance: Rents and instalments .. 2,093 (i 481 Free capital from— Realization Account .. .. .. 7,493 Employment Promotion Fund .. 23,329 Deposits held by dairy companies .. 911 Consolidated Fund .. .. 30,362 Less reserve .. .. .. 183 53,691 728 Accrued interest on capital expenditure .. 119,767 Subsidies in respect of blocks disposed of .. 285 Suspense Account .. .. .. ~ 61 Unrecouped interest on development Sundry creditors: Departmental and miscellaneous 974 expenditure .. .. .. .. 119,767 Interest accrued but not due .. .. .. 2,031 Deteriorated Land Act, 1925 Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 52 Deteriorated Land Act, 1925 Mortgage outstandings— £ Current Account .. .. .. 548 Instalment mortgage .. .. 3,476 — 4,024 Sundry debtors for interest and principal instalments .. .. .. .. .. 164 Interest accrued but not due .. .. .. 25 £12,134,489 £12,134,189 11 ii 1 — . - R. G. Macmorran, Under-Secretary lor Lands. G. I. Beeson, Chief Accountant. 1 hereby certify that the Revenue Account q,nd Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return B. 1 [ Pt. IV] and to the following comments : (1) the Cheviot Estate accounts do not include a credit for interest on assets comprising cash and certain securities held by the estate at Ist April, 1930, nor a debit in respect of interest thereon paid to the Consolidated Fund in terms of section 19 of the Finance Act (No. 2), 1930. These entries have been passed through the Land for Settlements Account (General) only. (2) The audit of the accounts of the Nelson Otago, and Westland Land. Districts is not yet completed.—J. P. Rutherford, Controller and Auditor-General.