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4. Each member nation undertakes, in so far as it may be possible under its constitutional procedure to accord to the Director-General and senior staff diplomatic privileges and immunities and to accord to other members of the staff all facilities and immunities accorded to non-diplomatic personnel attached to diplomatic missions, or alternatively to accord to such other members of the staff the immunities and tacilities which may hereafter be accorded to equivalent members of the staffs of other public international organizations. Article IX (Seat) The seat of the Organization shall be determined by the Conference. Article X (Regional and Liaison Offices) 1. There shall be such regional offices as the Director-General with the approval of the Conference may decide. 2. The Director-General may appoint officials for liaison with particular countries or areas subject to the agreement of the government concerned. Article XI (Reports by Members) 1. Each member nation shall communicate periodically to the Organization reports on the progress made toward achieving the purpose of the Organization set forth in the Preamble and on the action taken on the basis of recommendations made and conventions submitted by the Conference J- J h ® se re P° rte shall be made at such times and in such form and shall contain such particulars as the Conference may request. 3 The Director-General shall submit these reports, together with analyses thereof, to the Conference and shall publish such reports and analyses as may be approved for publication by the Conference together with any reports relating thereto adopted by the Conference. 4. The Director-General may request any member nation to submit information relating to the purpose of the Organization. b 5. Each member nation shall, on request, communicate to the Organization, on publication all laws and regulations and official reports and statistics concerning nutrition, food and agriculture. Article XII (Co-operation with Other Organizations) 1. In order to provide for close co-operation between the Organization and other public international organizations with related responsibilities, the Conference may, subject to the provisions of Article XIII enter into agreements with the competent authorities of such organizations defining the distribution oi responsibilities and methods of co-operation. 2 The Director-General may, subject to any decisions of the Conference, enter into agreements with other public international organizations for the maintenance of common services, for common arrangements m regard to recruitment, training, conditions of service, and other related matters and tor interchanges of staff. Article XIII (Relation to any General World Organization) 1. Ihe Organization shall, in accordance with the procedure provided for in the following paragraph constitute a part of any general international organization to which may be entrusted the co-ordination ol tne activities of international organizations with specialized responsibilities. • , +- 2 ' v y rrall 8 em ents for defining the relations between the Organization and any such general organization shall be subject to the approval of the Conference. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article XX such arrangements may ]f approved by the Conference by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast' involve modification of the provisions of this Constitution : Provided that no such arrangements shall modify the purposes and limitations of the Organization as set forth in this Constitution. Article XIV (Supervision of other Organizations) Ihe Conference may approve arrangements placing other public international organizations dealing with questions relating to food and agriculture under the general authority of the Organization on such terms as may be, agreed with the competent authorities of the organization concerned. Article XV (Legal Status) 1. The Organization shall have the capacity of a legal person to perform any legal act appropriate to its purpose which is not beyond the powers granted to it by this Constitution. . 2. Each member nation undertakes, in so far as it may be possible under its constitutional procedure to accord to the Organization all the immunities and facilities which it accords to diplomatic missions including inviolability of premises and archives, immunity from suit, and exemptions from taxation! o. Ihe Conference shall make provision for the determination by an administrative tribunal of disputes relating to the conditions and terms of appointment of members of the staff. Article XVI (Fish and Forest Products) In this Constitution the term " agriculture " and its derivatives include fisheries, marine products forestry, and primary forestry products. I'iouuoub, Article XVII (Interpretation of Constitution) Any question or dispute concerning the interpretation of this Constitution or anv international convention adopted thereunder shall be referred for determination to an appropriate international court or arbitral tribunal m the manner prescribed by rules to be adopted by the Conference.