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General Administration Laws are made by Act of the New Zealand Parliament, or regulations issued thereunder, or by Ordinance passed by the local Islam! Council. This body meets periodically under the presidency of the Resident Commissioner, and consists at present of thirteen Native members appointed by the Governor-General, and representing all villages. The only legislative measures enacted especially for Niue since the last report were the Niue Fish Amendment Ordinance 1943, the Niue Fish Amendment Ordinance 1943, No. 2, and the Niue iruit Control Regulations 1945 (Serial No. 1945/12). The last-mentioned provided regulations for the conduct by the local Administration of the export of bananas and kumaras, which has continued for some years. The Resident Commissioner, Mr. J. P. McMahon-Box, retired on account of ill health on 24th November, 1943. Mr. C. H. W. Larsen was appointed Acting Resident Commissioner on 28th December, 1943, and Resident Commissioner with effect from 14th April, 1944. Visit The Right Hon. the Prime Minister and party paid an official visit to Niue on Tuesday, 2nd -January, 1945. The party proceeded by car through every village on the island, and calls were made at the Lord Liverpool Hospital and various schools. Postal and Radio

These services, as in the other Cook Islands, are maintained to New Zealand standards. Business dealt with at Niue has been as follows :—

Note.—Other Post Office Savings-bank details arc not available, as accounts are kept with those of the Auckland district and are not segregated. Public Finance

A comparative statement of revenue and expenditure from 1940-41 is shown below : —

Trade Higher returns for copra and an increase in the amount exported have played an important part in swelling the trade figures in recent years. Increases in the value of bananas, baskets, and table mats exported, and greater imports of biscuits, cotton goods, tobacco, and motor-cars also contributed to a record total trade figure for the calendar year 1943. A storm early in 1944 did much destruction to crops, and caused the full kumara crop to be consumed for food. Statistics for the past five calendar years are as follow


1941-42. 1942-43. j 11)43-44. 1944-45. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Money-orders issued .. .. .. 6,518 5 3 8,765 12 1 5,799 2 9 1,931 18 10 Money-orders paid .. .. •• 545 6 4 681 4 11 1,675 5 0 2,081 15 11 Post Office Savings-bank deposits .. 3,150 1 0 4,043 11 0 3,968 12 0 3,096 12 0 Post Office Savings-bank withdrawals .. 297 7 1 195 14 0 262 10 6 696 6 6 Number of radio messages handled .. 861 1,048 1,515 1,755

_ . I „ Subsidy from Pinal Surplus Year. Revenue. Expenditure. Deficit. New z^aland _ or Defioit _ £ £ £ £ £ 1940-41 .. 7,580 13,628 6,048 5,000 —1,048 1941-42 .. 6,465 17,201 10,736 10,000 - 736 1942-43 .. .. 11,252 16,397 5,145 10,000 +4,855 1943-44 . .. 10,342 18,187 7,845 10,000 +2,155 1944-45 .. 12,096 18,900 6,804 10,000 +3,196

Imports Values. Exports Values. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. >044. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ New Zealand .. 16,016 13,561 23,541 29,881 25,140 16,994 11,149 18,644 29,908 21,909 Australia .. .. 550 699 584 223 871 .. 9 828 298 1,307 United Kingdom .. 715 332 235 115 2,453 •. . • • • ■ • • * U.S.A. •• •• 810 899 1,995 1,692 181 Western Samoa .. 44 212 .. 140 1,106 67 15 1,249 527 Other .. .. 1,618 1,124 86 19 303 3,177* .. 1,620 .. 35 Totals .. 19,753 16,827 26,444 32,070 30,054 20,238 11,173 22,341 30,733 23,231 * Copra to Mexico.