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The general health of the population has been good, but the food shortage resulting from the damage done to native food crops by the hurricane early in 1943, although relieved on several occasions from Rarotonga, was reflected in the physical condition of the people. Unwise use of the foodstuffs sent, and poor methods employed in the restoration of food plots with the shoots sent from Rarotonga and other islands, were largely responsible for the delay in recovery. An agricultural foreman with new supplies of shoots for planting was sent across to Mitiaro in. 1944, and during his stay there he instructed the people in better methods of agriculture. The food plantations are now fully restored. The citrus crop is too small for shipment to New Zealand, but the oranges are sold each year for the manufacture of juice in Rarotonga.


The health of the people has in general been good ; outbreaks of influenza occurred in March, 1943, and in January, 1944 and 1945. Chicken-pox was epidemic in February, 1945, and the Oneroa School was closed for two weeks over the end of March, 1945, on this account. A Child Welfare Association was formed in June, 1944 ; the co-operation of the mothers has been enlisted, and 222 children are now brought for examination and advice throughout the island. Mangaia suffered the heaviest damage in the group during the hurricane of 31st January, 1944 ; many homes were blown down or rendered untenable, and the cottage hospital, several class-rooms at all schools, and district cargo and packing-sheds were destroyed ; extensive damage was done to other Administration buildings, the roads, and to orange and food plantations. All buildings have been rebuilt, and all damage has been repaired, with the exception of the large cargo-shed at Oneroa and the guest house at the Residency, for which materials are on order. The people have worked very well on the restoration of their homes, villages, and food plantations with excellent results. Owing to hurricane damage only one shipment of oranges was made during 1944, but the trees have recovered and there will be a large crop for export during 1945 ; arrangements are in hand to provide an extra vessel to ensure that the crop is all shipped. A residence for a European head teacher has been built and, except for minor items the materials for which are on order, the house is ready for occupation. Several small water-tanks have been erected.


The health of the people was satisfactory in 1941, but in 1942 there were epidemics of measles, chicken-pox, gastro-enteritis, and influenza. Gastro-enteritis and gastric influenza were prevalent throughout 1943, but, as the result of clearing up the villages and other sanitary measures taken, the general health improved in 1944. In 1943 a complete survey of the island led to the discovery of 20 new cases of leprosy ; these, with the 10 patients already at the Te Sauma Leper Concentration Hospital and 2 from Rarotonga, were sent to Makogai, Fiji, in November, 1943. There are now no patients at Te Sauma. Reference to the construction of the aerodrome at Pcnrhyn and the import of the arrival of a United States Military Force has been made under the heading of Aitutaki. In Penrhyn, too, the people are settling back satisfactorily into their normal habits of life. The schools are conducted by the London Missionary Society and subsidized by the Administration ; during 1944 the Native pastors, who are also the head teachers, were replaced by two new pastors who were given a preliminary course of instruction in teaching before proceeding to Penrhyn. Materials and plans for the construction of three 10,000-gallon tanks were sent to Penrhyn in December, 1944 ; one tank has been completed, one is nearing completion, and the tank for Tetautua will be erected during 1945. A building taken over from the United States Forces has been re-erected on a concrete floor for use as a cottage hospital.



j 1941-42. 1942-43. 1943-44. 1944-45. Shipping calls during year .... 8 6 4 6 Cases of oranges exported .. .. 23,537 5,551 19,917 3,707 Higli Court cases dealt with .. .. 313 649 371 572

1941-42. 1942-43. 1943-44. 1944-45. Shipping calls during year .. .. 3 3 4 « 3 High Court cases dealt with .. .. 160 160 137 58

1941-42. 1942-43. 1943-44. 1944-45. Shipping calls during year .... 4 9 5 4 Tons of copra exported .. .. .. 90 78| 184 111 I High Court cases dealt with .. .. 138 85 132 48