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C— continued SUMMARY Number and Percentage of each Breed by Sheep Districts


North Island Sheep Districts. South Island Sheep Districts. j ; i -rrr ,. Dominion. Breed o, Sheep. Auckland. Se S?wXd. Otago. Total. 3r ° mber - I Cent. cSt. fer Kumber . i , Samber . j | Number | r, j, Number . j P« Stud sheep (entered in Flockbook) — li'rmriPT O, ,£ n°' 01 2 ' 386 °' 03 2 ' 741 001 331 °' 02 139 0 ' 00 122 °' 00 592 O'OO 3,333 0-01 Komney.. .. .. _ 1,756 0-44 31,323 0-44 120,684 1-71 173,763 0-91 9,187 0-65 22,515 0-38 76,449 1-02 108,151 0-73 281,914 0-83 Border Leicester .. .. .. .. 1 Q-00 .. .. 1 0-00 147 0-01 8,205 0-14 4,327 0-06 12,679 0-09 12 680 0-04 fhronsh,>P CT " " 134 °' 0 ° •' '• 209 °'° 0 756 °' 05 9,446 °' 16 559 °' 01 10 ' 761 °-° 7 10,970 0-03 SC •• " A" „ " •• •• •• 3 °-° 0 398 0-01 259 0-00 660 0-01 660 0-00 Southdown .. .. i 7( i 2 6 0-35 23,786 0-33 53,878 0-76 94,790 0-50 5,031 0-36 35,119 0-59 25,102 0-33 65,252 0-44 160 042 0-47 p n e ™°,„ 1( ; •• „ - •• •• ■■ 4,762 0-34 12,493 0-21 5,406 0-07 22,661 0-15 0-07 Rveland " " its n'm ™ °' 01 771 °'° 0 1,337 °' 10 33,798 0-57 7 ' 714 °' 10 42,849 0-29 43,620 0-13 (uif i- ' 'a " " 2'!?} °' 00 894 °' 01 1,454 0-01 966 0-07 3,866 0-06 1,376 0-02 6,208 0-04 7 662 0-02 Other breeds .. .. 193 °" Q1 139 0-00 1,244 0-02 1,676 0-01 1,386 0-10 5,191 0-09 809 0-01 7,386 0-05 0-03 Totals .. .. 39, ,06 0-81 56,178 0-79 179,521 2-54 275,405 1-44 23,906 1-70 131,170 2-21 122,123 1-62 277,199 1-87 552,604 1-63 Sheep of a distinctive breed, but not entered in Floek-book — Lincoln .. .. .. 2,551 0-05 772 0-01 792 0-01 4,115 0-02 1,760 0-13 1,765 0-03 1 498 0-02 5 023 0-03 9 138 0-03 Border Leicester " " I 'I'm 1.739,6871 24-66 3,892,006 20-37 213,978 15-25 420,084 7-09 948,'402 12-59 1,582)464 10-65 16-11 Bo±der .Leicester .. .. 468 0-01 382 0-01 78 0-00 928 0-01 997 0-07 12,284 0-21 6 732 0-09 20 013 0-14 -'0 941 0-06 Stire ■' 4 or n'nn *1 VJ 113 °-°° 1,486 0 ' 01 944 °' 07 12 ' 818 0-22 589 0-01 U,351 O-lo 0-05 o ,T , •• 26 0-00 9 0-00 2S: 0-00 63 0-00 1,190 0-08 716 0-01 518 0-01 2 4 , 4 0-02 2 487 0-01 Merino OWn " I'll 34>4 f®: «" 48 ! 79 > 210 V12 171 ' 711 0 ' 90 6 ' 300 °' 45 26,265 0-44 45,406 0-60 77 i 971 0-52 249)682 0-73 Merino .. .. 140 0-00 49 0-00; 10 0-00 199 0-00 163,620 11-66 376,168 6-34 248 264 3-30 788 052 5-30 788 9 51 2-32 ■? f'Z 09 0-i0 168 i 3,499 0-05 8,376 0-04 58,135 4-14 815,487 13-75 299*751 3-98 1 173 373 7-89 1 181 749 3-48 Rveland " " l'lSS 0 03 18 '??2 2 32 'oio 2'ni 5 ?'«oo n'm 317 22 ' 66 1 ' 240 ' 038 20-91 7-50 14-28 6-41 . •• '1?°' 0 00 3/3 0-01 1,699 0-01 378 0-03 2,346 0-04 892 0-01 3 616 0-0' 5 315 0-01 er breeds .. .. 654 i °' 01 l 288 : 0-00 l,686j 0-02 2,628 0-01 185 0-01 3,508 0-06 882 0-01 0-03 0-02 T ° tals •• •' 1.172,535j 23-90. l,106,292j 15-48| 1,858,289; 26-34 4,137,116 21-65 765,468 49-10 2,118,313 28-12 5,795,258 38-98 9,932,374 29-23 Cr^ser^™erated erSn0t0ther " 3 ' 694 ' 333 ! 75 ' 29 5- 9 S3,57s| 83-73 5,018,30lj 71-1214,696,212 76-91 614,018 43-75 2,887,124 48-69 8,793,422 59-15 23,489,634 69-14 Grand totals .. 4,906,574jl00-00 7,146,048jl00-00 7,056,llljlOO-OO 19,108,733 100-00 1,403,392 100-00 5,929,771 100-00 7,532,716 100-00 14,865,879 100 0033,974,612 100-00