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Summary of Administrative Contributions

Operating Contributions authorized or in Process of Authorization as of 15th September, 1 945

It will be noted that of the forty-four member nations in the year 1944, thirty-nine have paid their allocated share of the administrative expenses. The remaining five have notified the Administration that their payments are in process. Of $9,500,000 allocated for 1944 administrative expenses, the total amount unpaid as of 15th September was $69,167. Of the thirty-one nations which were hot occupied by the enemy during the war and which were, therefore, asked to contribute to the operating funds of the Administration, twenty-six have made contributions. The remaining five Governments have notified the Administration that contributions are now in process of authorization or appropriation, lo date approximately 70 per cent, of the total operating funds asked by the Atlantic City resolution has been paid in.


| 1943-44. 1945. | Total. Total paid allocations .. .. .. •• •• 9,430,833 5,984,501 15,415,334 Total unpaid allocations .. .. .. •• •• 69,167 1,159,249 1,228,416 Total administrative contributions allocated by Council, 9,500,000 7,143,750 16,643,750 1943-45 ' _ [Division of Finance, loth September, 1945.

(In U.S. Dollar Equivalents) Total Operating Contributed Appropriated, Having ContributioLS Government.* or available but not yet Preliminary authorized or in on Request. available. Approval only. Process of Authorization. Australia .. .. .. 38,137,500 '.. .. 38 ,1 37 , 500 Bolivia 25,913 51,825 .. 77,738 Brazil ' .. 9,737,500 20,000,000 .. 29,737,500 Canada 68,844,369 .. .. 68,844,369 Chile .. .. .. •• 2,118.312 2,118,312 Colombia .. •• 2,303,993 2,303,993 Costa Rica .. ■■ 391.250 391,250 Cuba Dominican Republic .. .. 236,250 105,000 341,250 Ecuador .. •■ 1*1,250 141,250 Egypt •■ •• 4,133,333 1,133,333 El Salvador .. .. .. •• '20,000 120,000 Guatemala Haiti .. .. 40,000 .. .. 40,000 Honduras 50,000 .. .. 50,000 Iceland 709,225 .. ... 709,225 India .. 23,342,072 .. .'. 23,342,072 Iran Iraq Liberia .. .. .. • • • • ■ • Mexico .. 1,078,000 2,401,000 .. 3,479,000 New Zealand .. .. 8,423,500 .. .. 8,423,500 Nicaragua .. •■ 120,000 120,000 Panama .. .. 133,333 266,667 .. 400,000 Paraguay .. .. 9,900 19,799 .. 29,699 Peru .. 767,692 188,558 .. 956,250 Union of South Africa .. 3,955,000 14,005,000 .. 17,960,000 United Kingdom .. .. 319,775,000 .. .. 319,775,000 United States of America .. 793,000,000 .. 550,000,000 1,343,000,000 Uruguay •• 485,000 .. .. 485,000 .. .. .. •• 1,000,000 1,000,000 Total .. .. 1,268,750,254 37,037,8-19 560,328,138 1,866,116,241 * The thirty-one member Governments listed are non-invaded countries. The Council has recommended that contributions bo made primarily by member Governments whose home territory has not been occupied by the; enemy. [Division of Finance, lath September, 1945.