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Mr. A. D. Carbery retired from the Committee of Management of the National Art Gallery after a period of membership dating from 1936, and his valuable services to art are much appreciated. Dr. W. P. Evans retired from the Committee of Management of the Dominion Museum, but continues as a member of the Board of Trustees. General The reports of the three Committees of Management attached hereto indicate that the institutions controlled by the Board of Trustees are being actively carried on despite the restrictions imposed by war conditions and the fact that the Museum and Art Gallery building is still mainly occupied by defence personnel. Although the Dominion Museum is still closed to the public, much valuable educational and technical work is being performed by the Director and staff. The National Art Gallery has continued to function in the temporary Art Gallery in the D.I.C. building, and, in addition to a number of exhibitions of pictures in the gallery, educational work amongst schools has been carried out. The Gallery has been augmented by purchases of pictures from the Board's funds and from grants made by the T. G. Macarthy Trust, and both the Gallery and the Museum have received gifts and bequests of valuable pictures and exhibits. The Board records its grateful thanks to the donors. The establishment of a War Museum to house the valuable and historical collection of pictures and exhibits relating to the war of 1914-18 and the present war has been receiving the attention of the Board of Trustees and of the Management Committees. The War Memorial Carillon has been played by automatic apparatus throughout the year, and consideration is now being given to a proposal to complete the sanctuary chamber on the ground floor and to make the first and second floor chambers suitable for the deposit of specially selected relics and records ; also to proceed with the erection of the Hall of Memories, thus making the whole scheme a fitting National Memorial of the two wars. With the successful conclusion of the war with Germany an accomplished fact it is hoped that the time will soon arrive when the Museum, Art Gallery, and Carillon can resume their normal activities. The members of the staff have carried out their duties efficiently. The Board records its appreciation of the continued financial support received from the Government, Wellington City Council, Wellington Harbour Board, and other local bodies in the Wellington district; also of the assistance received from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, Royal Society of New Zealand, Wellington War Memorial Carillon Society, and others ; and also extends thanks to the press for valuable publicity. The annual accounts are appended hereto. In addition to the usual provision of £1,000 for Repairs, Renewals, and Extensions Fund, appropriations have been made for educational purposes (£500), purchase of pictures and exhibits (£400), and for rehabilitation of the Museum and Art Gallery when the time comes for resumption of occupancy of the main building (£500). P. Fraser, Chairman. F. H. Bass, Secretary.

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT OF THE NATIONAL ART GALLERY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1945 Committee of Management op the National Art Gallery G. G. Gibbes Watson, M.A., LL.B. (Chairman); Mrs. M. Murray Fuller ; Messrs. Stanley W. Fearn, A.R.1.8.A. ; W. S. Wauchop, M.A. ; Nugent H. Welch (Wellington) ; Richard Gross, C.M.G. (Auckland); Archibald F. Nicoll (Christchurch) ; Cedric Savage (Takaka) ; and Stewart B. Maclennan, A.R.C.A. (Masterton). Mr. I). A. Ewen retired from the position of Chairman of the Committee at the beginning of the year. The Committee desires to record its appreciation of Mr. Ewen's long period of distinguished service as Chairman of the Committee, and to express its regret that he has found it necessary to relinquish the office of Chairman. Mr. Ewen's services will not be lost to the Gallery, as he continues to be a member of the Board of Trustees of the Art Gallery and Museum. Mr. A. D. Carbery also retired from the Committee on account of his departure from Wellington. The Committee records its appreciation of Mr. Carbery's outstanding services to art during his membership of the Committee of Management, dating from its inception in 1936. Mr. G. G. Gibbes Watson was appointed Chairman of the Committee of Management. Sub-committees, National Art Gallery Architectural.—Stanley W. Fearn (Convener) and William Page. Sculpture.—Richard Gross (Convener) and F. A. Shurrock. Educational.—W. S. Wauchop (Convener), A. F. Nicoll, and Mrs. M. Murray Fuller. Hanging.—Mrs. M. Murray Fuller- (Convener) and Nugent Welch. Finance. —D. A. Ewen (Convener) and Stanley W. Fearn. Management Committee Meetings Three meetings of the Committee were held during the year. General The victory of the Allies in Europe brings overwhelming feelings of rejoicing and gratitude that the threat to world civilization and the threat of extermination of all culture have been checked. Many of the looted art treasures are now being restored to their rightful owners. Galleries will be able to show again the works of the great masters which have been stored away for safety. We look forward to conditions of complete peace in the near future, and to renewed activity and accelerated progress in the development of art and its appreciation. The military authorities continued to occupy the National Art Gallery premises at Buckle Street during the year. Consequently the activities of the Art Gallery have continued to be carried on in the temporary premises in the D.I.C. Building. A continuous series of exhibitions has been held in the Gallery during the year, and the interest of the public has been well maintained.