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(2) Numerical Statement for the Year ended 31st December, 1944


Numbers. Class 1. Class 2. Class 3. Class 4. Class 5 ■ Annual Annuity .Rate, 10s. Annuity Rate, 20s. Annuity Rate, 30s. Annuity Rate, 40s. Superannuation. Aggregate. Contributions. j T ' P. M. j F. T. M. F. | T. M. F. T. M. F. T. Number of contributors at commence- 13,065 1,010 14,075 2,172 382 2,554 222 46 268 524 97 621 5,211 5,623 10 834 Ll 194 7 158 28 359 ment 01 year ' ' ' - 1 *y±ft 9 wo New entrants during the year .. 475 72 547 113 38 151 17 6 23 28 19 47 211 1,877 2,088 844 2,012 2 856 35 933 Transfer from another class .. 22 4 26 80 12 92 15 5 20 34 4 38 4 2 6 155 27 189 19710 Increase due to adjustment on age- ...... ...... ...... error, &c. .... .. .... .. ...... 9 Total .. .. .. 13,562 1,086 14,648 2,365 432 2,797 254 57 311 586 120 706 5,426 7 502 12 928 22 193 9 197 '>,1 qqo oqq nK7 (aS detaUed 831 158 989 164 46 210 25 7 32 38 11 49 337 1,719 2|o56 1,'396 I|M1 3;336 43^84 Total at end of year .. 12,731 928 13,659 2,201 386 50 279 | 548~ 109 657 5,089 |2(K798 7,256 28,054 349,773 Details of Discontinuances, <&c., during the Year Death •' •• •• •• 87 2 89 17 1 18 3 3 2.. 2 46 8 54 155 11 irr A oco Notice of withdrawal .. .. 329 107 436 61 28 89 7 3 10 14 7 21 225 1,682 1 907 636 1 327 2 463 Lapse and cancellation .. 221 30 251 35 3 38 1 1 3 3 ora ' t j, £f Attainment of annuity age ..100 6 106 13 7 20 1 1 9 1 10 66 ' 29 "95 189 43 itt a Transfer to another class .. .. 94 13 107 38 7 45 13 4 17 10 3 13 155 f, ?! Decrease due to adjustment on age- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. # error, &c. * * ' ' ' * *' " * ' * * * 1 Total •• •• •• 831 158 989 164 46 210 I 25~ 7 32 I 38~ 11 49 337 1,719 2,056 1,395 1,941 3,336 43,284 Numerical Progress since Establishment Total entered .. .. .. 63,925 5,662 69,587 10,388 1,435 11,823 1,116 191 1,307 1,436 302 1,738 12,146 23,402 35 548 89 011 30 999190 00-? Total transferred from other classes 4,705 262 4,967 3,297 304 3,601 605 79 684 904 71 975 138 7 145 Si 649 723 KI 68,630 5,924 74,554 13,685 1,739 15,424 1,721 270 1,991 2,340 373 2,713 12,284 23,409 35,693 98,660 31,715130,375 ~ Total discontinued .. .. 52,477 4,723 57,200 6,939 1,065 8,004 740 128 868 924 194 l7n8~ TT&T 17,626 24 759 68 213 23 736 91 Q4Q Total transferred to other classes .. 3,422 273 3,695 4,545 288 4,833 752 92 844 868 70 938 62 62 9,649 723 10,'.372 55,899 4,996 60,895 11,484 1,353 12,837 1,492 220 1,712 1,792 264 2,056 7,195 17,626 24,821 77,862 24,459102,321 T DeceTbtr b 1944 ° n b00kS at 31st 12 ' 731 13 ' 659 2 ' 201 386 2 ' 587 229 27sT 548 109 657~ 5,089 5,783 10,872 20,798 7,256 28,054 349,773