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Accommodation For many years the shortage of accommodation for patients has been the burthen of annual reports, but in 1936 I was able to say that by the carrying-out of an extensive building programme we had reduced the deficiency from 935 to 514 beds, despite a fairly large net increase in the number of patients resident.

Unfortunately, owing to causes outside the control of the Department, we have been unable to maintain or improve upon that happy position, and the shortage of accommodation is once more very acute, as disclosed in the following table, which shows the position at each hospital at the end of the year : —

These figures do not take account of 265 patients temporarily lodged at The Chateau and Wairakei and for whom other accommodation must be found at an early date, so that there is an actual deficiency of 1,016 beds, or the equivalent of an additional mental hospital. For the most part the shortage can be ascribed to the damage caused at Porirua by the earthquake of 1942, which necessitated the evacuation of 532 patients to The Chateau, Wairakei, and to other mental hospitals, but the problem of overtaking the shortage is greatly accentuated by the urgent need to evacuate other existing accommodation. This refers particularly to Seacliff, where the earth movements of the unstable land has rendered parts of the buildings unsafe, and to Nelson City Mental Hospital, where the old buildings are becoming less serviceable with the passage of time. Our building programme has, of course, been affected to some extent by the shortage of labour and materials arising out of war conditions, but steps are being taken to relieve the situation. Contemporaneously with the rebuilding of Porirua on the villa system, we have made a start with the erection of the new Lake Alice Hospital, near Bulls, which will take admissions from the Taranaki, Manawatu, and Hawke's Bay areas and so diminish the admission rate at Porirua. Lake Alice Hospital will be an advance upon the villa system, in that small cottages will be provided for those who are likely to benefit from association in smaller groups. To replace Seacliff it is proposed to build a new hospital on the Cherry Farm estate, near Waikouaiti, and, after due consultations with geologists as to the stability of the site, plans are being made. When Stoke Farm, near Nelson, was acquired for the purpose of erecting the mental hospital there, now known as Ngawhatu, the original Nelson Mental Hospital was retained as a colony for the lower grades of mentally defective children. This hospital, built in 1874, has deteriorated beyond the limits of economic repair, and it is proposed to transfer the children to an institution which has become available in the North Island. It is desirable that there should be at least one such colony in each of the main provincial districts, and it is proposed to utilize the Orokonui Homo, in Otago, for this purpose, and also to acquire as soon as may be possible an institution near Auckland. Alterations, Additions, and Improvements Capital expenditure on new buildings and additions and improvements amounted to £37,741 during the year, and the following summary shows the principal items making up the total, including new buildings in progress but not completed by 31st March : — Auckland (£2,504) New occupational class-rooms have been erected and a new washhouse provided at the nurses' home. Kingseat (£424) Roading and water-supply services have been extended. Porirua (£20,623) Three new villas have been erected and equipped. Christchurch (£766) A new vegetable-shed has been erected at Templeton Farm and a new transformer-house at Sunnyside.


Number of , , Patients and AT , Number Hospital. Aooommodo- VoIunt 1*2*17 actuall y Deficiency. Surplus. tl0n. Boarders on jobation. res ident. Register. Auckland .. 1,187 1,479 178 1,301 114 Kingseat .. 780 807 28 779 .. 1 Tokanui .. 710 801 23 778 68 Porirua .. 821 1,163 61 1,102 281 Seacliff .. 879 1,063 68 995 98 Christchurcli .. 1,236 1,525 174 1,351 115 Nelson .. 954 1,077 56 1,021 67 Hokitika 512 553 32 521 9 Total .. 7,097 8,468 622 7,848 752 1