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INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE Recommendation [No. 73] concerning the National Planning of Public Works The General Conference of the International Labour Organization — Having been convened at Philadelphia by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Twenty-sixth Session on 20 April 1944, and Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to the national planning of public works, which is included in the third item on the agenda of the Session, and Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of a Recommendation, adopts, this twelfth day of May, of the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-four, the following Recommendation which may be cited as the Public Works (National Planning) Recommendation, 1944 : Whereas the Public Works (National Planning) Recommendation, 1937, recommends that all works undertaken or financed by public authorities should be timed in such a way as to reduce industrial fluctuations as far as possible, and that special consideration should be given to the financing by loan in periods of depression of works likely to stimulate economic recovery and to the application'of a monetary policy which will make possible the expansion of credit required for the speeding up of such works and ensure the lowest possible rate of interest on the loans ; and Whereas at the end of the war public authorities will be faced with the great need to repair the damage caused by the war, to restore and replace existing public works, and to provide new public works and services ; and Whereas public works constitute a large element in the economic life of all nations, and public works programmes are an important method by which levels of productivity can be increased, and by which levels of living of all peoples can be raised ; and Whereas it is important in the transition from war to peace that public and private enterprise should be co-ordinated to assure the prompt and orderly use of human and material resources, avoiding on the one hand rush demands for materials which would leave contractors temporarily in short supply and on the other hand inadequate development of demand ; The Conference recommends the Members of the Organization to apply the following general principles, and to communicate information to the International Labour Office, as requested by the Governing Body, concerning the measures taken to give effect to these principles : - 1. Each Member should prepare a long-term development programme which can be accelerated or slowed down in accordance with the employment situation in different parts of the country. 2. Special attention should be paid to the importance of timing the execution of the works and the ordering of supplies, so as to limit the demand for labour at a time when there is already full employment and to increase it at a time when there is unemployment. 3. In applying this policy, consideration should be given not only to the employment situation in the country as a whole but also to the situation in each area and to the particular types of skill available in the area concerned. 4. Local authorities and others responsible for framing schemes for employment should be informed by their central authorities at the earliest possible moment what financial support will be forthcoming, so that the local authorities and technical services may proceed without further delay to prepare plans and to make such practical preparation as would enable large numbers of demobilized soldiers to be absorbed as soon as they are available. The foregoing is the authentic text of the Recommendation duly adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organization during its Twenty-sixth Session which was held at Philadelphia and declared closed the 12th day of May 1944. In faith whereof we have appended our signatures, this seventeenth day of May 1944. The President of the Conference. W. Nash. The Acting Director of the International Labour Office. Edward J. Pi-ielan. APPENDIX lI.—TEXTS OF THE RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE AT ITS 26th SESSION I Resolution concerning Social Provisions in the Peace Settlement Whereas the Conference is called upon to make recommendations to the _ United Nations for present and post-war social policy, and more particularly concerning the social provisions to be inscribed in the various general or special treaties or agreements to which the United Nations will jointly or severally become parties ; Whereas the prospect of a complete victory of the United Nations makes it possible to prepare a better world order directed towards the achievement of the social objectives which these nations proclaimed in the Atlantic Charter in expressing their desire to bring about the fullest collaboration between all nations in the economic field with the object of securing for all improved labour standards, economic advancement and social security;

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