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Statement of Accounts Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1944 Expenditure £ Income £ Retiring-allowances to members .. .. 513,834 Members'contributions .. .. . 235 434 Stt&SZS&Fr. :: :: g£ K™' —»»■ -«— -—»™« ' Refund of contributions in excess of allowances drawn Subsidies by deceased beneficiaries i ) 338 Consolidated Fund .. .. 89700 Transfers to other funds 1,218 Working Railways .. .. 170 000 rZSZKZT?? ktV,, j •• '• 425 Increased allowances to annuitants as provided for Reserve for bad and doubtful debts .. .. 389 by Statutes Amendment Act, 1936 . .. 2 952 ,1 , Working Railways on account of increased allow-ravelling-expenses of Board members .. .. 40 ances to widows and children ■ . 20 021 commission M 49 New Zealand Railway Tradesmen's Association .. '15 6 " " •' ®0 New Zealand Engine-drivers, Firemen, and Cleaners' '™ leK 1,532 Association .. .. .. .. 22 ,'' ~ '" ' • • • • • 537 Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants .. 10 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 159 interest— £ Investments .. .. ... .. 49,184 Treasury Department .. .. .. 9,468 „ . . . 58,652 Commission on Government Life Insurance collections 50 Balance carried down, being excess of expenditure over income for the year .... .. .. 12 499 £596 ' 532 Balance brought down 12,499 Accumulated funds bro «§ ht fo ™ard on Ist April .. 1,164^045 Balance, accumulated funds as at 31st March .. 1,151'546 £1,164,045 £1,164,045

Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1944 Liabilities £ Assets Accumulated funds as per Revenue Account .. 1,151,546 Investment Account— ' £ £ Casual employees'contingent contributions .. 21,274 Investments .. .. 1 131 505 Retiring and other allowances due (not paid)— Cash in hand '' " " ' Members 788 ' I ~0 S7T Widows and children 513 Current Account— Refund of contributions authorized (not paid) .. 1,934. Cash in hand .. .. 6 60 o Kefund of contributions in excess of allowances drawn Contributions and fines in transit !" 9 '949 by beneficiaries (not paid) . .. 183 Contributions due by Army, Navy, and Air Force lransfers to other funds authorized (not paid) .. 32 Departments.. .. . 18 588 Interest paid in advance .. .. .. .. 231 Contributions outstanding .. . V 739 Reserve for bad and doubtful debts' !! " 3,000 "of 01 " dU6 " ""P"* ° f ° aBUal fl ' wo Rebates of contributions (National Expenditure Working Railways— Adjiitaent Act, 1932).. .. .. .. 34,814 On account of increased allowances to annuitants as frf'l credltors 149 provided for by Statutes Amendment Act, 1936.. 242 Contributions paid in advance .. .. ~ 559 On account of cost-of-living bonus . . .. 19 On account of additional allowances to widows and children .. .. .. .. ~ 1 077 Interest due not paid .. ~ . ~ .. 7 333 Interest accrued but not due .. .. .. 11 428 Insurance premiums .. .. .. .. 2 War damage insurance .. .. .. .. 2 Treasury interest in transit .. .. .. 9,468 £1,215,479 £1,215,479 _ R. Semple, . . MoAuley, Chairman of the Government Railways Chief Accountant, New Zealand Railways. Superannuation Fund Board. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.— Cyril 6. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (095 copies), £9 10s.

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 944.

Price 3d.]