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in their respective fields of work. The members shall be appointed by the Council, and the Council may authorize the Central Committee to make emergency appointments between sessions of the Council, such appointments to continue until the next session of the Council. Should a regional committee so desire, sub-committees of the standing technical committees shall be established by the technical committees in consultation with the regional committees, to advise the regional committees. 7. The travel and other expenses of members of the Council and of members of its committees shall be borne by the Governments which they represent. 8. All reports and recommendations of committees of the Council shall be transmitted to the Director-General for distribution to the Council and the Central Committee by the secretariat of the Council established under the provisions of article IV, paragraph 4. Article IV The Director-General 1. The executive authority of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration shall be in the Director-General, who shall be appointed by the Council on the nomination by unanimous vote of the Central Committee. The Director-General may be removed by the Council on recommendation, by unanimous vote, of the Central Committee. 2. The Director-General shall have full power and authority for carrying out relief operations contemplated by article I, paragraph 2 (a), within the limits of" available resources and the broad policies determined by the Council or its Central Committee. Immediately upon taking office he shall, in conjunction with the military and other appropriate authorities of the United Nations, prepare plans for the emergency relief of the civilian population in any area occupied by the Armed Forces of any of the United Nations, arrange for the procurement and assembly of the necessary supplies and create or select the emergency organization required for this purpose. In arranging for the procurement, transportation, and distribution of supplies and services, he and his representatives shall consult and collaborate with the appropriate authorities _ of the United Nations and shall, wherever practicable, use the facilities made available by such authorities. Foreign voluntary relief agencies may not engage in activity in any area receiving relief from the Administration without the consent and unless subject to the regulation of the Director-General. The powers and duties of the Director-General are subject to the limitations of article VII. 3. The Director-General shall also be responsible for the organization and direction of the functions contemplated by article I, paragraphs 2 (b) and 2 (c). 4. The Director-General shall appoint such Deputy Directors-General, officers, expert personnel, and staff at his headquarters and elsewhere, including field missions, as he shall find necessary, and he may delegate to them such of his powers as he may deem appropriate, The Director-General, or upon his authorization the Deputy Directors-General, shall supply such secretariat and other staff and facilities as shall be required by the Council and its committees, including the regional committees and sub-committees. Such Deputy Directors-General as shall be assigned special functions within a region shall attend meetings of the regional standing committee whenever possible and shall keep it advised on the progress of the relief and rehabilitation programme within the region. 5. The Director-General shall make periodic reports to the Central Committee and to the Council covering the progress of the Administration's activities. The reports shall be made public except for such portions as the Central Committee may consider it necessary, in the interest of the United Nations, to keep confidential; if a report affects the interests of a member Government in such a way as to render it questionable whether it should be published, such Government shall have an opportunity of expressing its views on the question of publication. The Director-General shall also arrange to have prepared periodic reports covering the activities of the Administration within each region and he shall transmit such reports with his comments thereon to the Council, the Central Committee and the respective regional committees. Article V Supplies and Resources 1. In so far as its appropriate constitutional bodies shall authorize, each member Government will contribute to the support of the Administration in order to accomplish the purposes of article I, paragraph 2 (a). The amount and character of the contributions of each member Government under this provision will be determined from time to time by its appropriate constitutional bodies. All such contributions received by the Administration shall be accounted for. 2. The supplies and resources made available by the member Governments shall be kept in review in relation to prospective requirements by the Director-General, who shall initiate action with the member Governments with a view to assuring such additional supplies and resources as may be required. 3. All purchases by any: of the member Governments, to be made outside their own territories during the war for relief or rehabilitation purposes, shall be made only after consultation with the Director-General, and shall, so far as practicable, be carried out through the appropriate .United Nations, agency.