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STATEMENT No. 2 Income and Expenditure of the Whole Undertaking for the Year ended 31st March, 1944

Net Revenue Account


Statement Year 1943 " 4 *- Year 1942-43. Jfo. j ! Gro9a Revenue. Expenditure. Net Kevenue. Gross Revenue. Expenditure. , .Net Revenue. Railway operation .. .. » ,, J? £ £ £ £ Lake Wakatipu steamers .. .. .g A ' ik'oiI r> 2,099,062 12,415,080 10,019,659 2,395,421 Refreshment service 9a S97 5n w/tS 6,048 8 ' 892 13,384 Dr. 4,492 Bookstall service 9a Vnl'ofJ itt'Hl 51 ' 266 363,509 318,462 45,047 Advertising service 9a 18-, 226 6,066 184,866 178,427 6,439 Dwellings .. .. t q zb,yyi 2,892 27,637 25 679 1 958 Buildings occupied by refreshment service, book- .n'ust Dr ' 57 >480 153,610 212,822 Dr. 59',212 stall proprietors, &c. ' W ' 14 ~ 27,969 15,173 43,271 27,055 16,216 Road motor services .. q. „ QO „ Miscellaneous revenue .. .. ;; .. 3 90 ; 50 g ° 80 ' 149 66,533 554,979 506,925 48,054 _ "■ oyu,ouo 377,149 .. 377 249 15,32o,306 12,757,336 .. 14,128,993 11,302,413 ~~ Total net revenue to Net Revenue Account — 1 " " " 2,567,970 .. .. 2,826,580

D '- ' 1943-44. 1 1942-43. r. — I Cr - 1943-44. 1942-43. £ £ Transfer to General Reserve .. .. ono oan | . £ £ Interest charges 2 765'724 2 622 77? , Balance brought down .. 203,867 Balance carried down .. .. .. ' ' nn->oJi :j ±" et ea ™ ln g s before charging interest on capital .. 2,567,970 2 826 580 IJ Reduction on account of interest charges, vide section 197 754 ' ' j 14, Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2) 2,969,591 2,826.580 ' ' j 2,969,591 | 2,826,580