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pioneer women of Canterbury who passed over the spot when journeying from Lyttelton over the Port Hills to the plains, is much appreciated, and will add further interest to the attractions of the hills overlooking Christchurch. An area of 371 acres of freehold land in the McKerrow Survey District, beyond Lake Wanaka on the Haast Pass Road, was, with the consent of the owners, Makarora Ltd., declared a private scenic reserve. As far as possible under existing conditions, endeavours have been made to keep scenic reserves under observation. Valuable work has again been accomplished by Honorary Inspectors and members of Scenic Boards, although the Boards have had of necessity to curtail some of their operations in the way of general maintenance and improvement of reserves. Two fires in the Wakatipu locality seriously damaged a considerable area of bush. The fires occurred in isolated localities, and could not be dealt with in time to prevent their spread. In other districts no fire damage of any moment was reported, despite prolonged spells of dry weather in various localities. The usual maintenance and improvement work, including the planting of windbreaks, was carried out on the valuable and popular Trounson Kauri Park Reserve near Kaihu. The. well-known Cape Kidnapper Reserve continues to interest a great many people, and it is pleasing to be able to report that the area occupied by the gannets seems to be increasing year by year. The following schedule gives details of the areas actually set apart during the year :—

Reserves made in 1943-44 under the Scenery Preservation Act, 1908, and Amendments

The reservation over three areas totalling 37 acres 1 rood 36-6 perches was revoked during the year. The number of scenic reservations in the Dominion is now 1,197, covering a total area of 850,160 acres. Expenditure during the year amounted to £1,994, details being as follows :— £ Acquisition of land ... .. .. .. .. ... .. 747 General administration, maintenance charges, improvements, and grants to Scenic Boards .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 263 Trounson Kauri Park: Charges in connection with improvement, maintenance, and protection .. .. .. .. .. .. 367 Waitangi Endowment: Tree-planting, &c . . . . .. . . 617 Total expenditure for year .. . . .. .. .. £1,994The total expenditure to date since 1904 is £260,863, including £185,367 spent on the acquisition of land.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (582 copies), £3 10s.

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. —1944. I'iice 3d.]


Local Name. Description. Area. Proclamation. Marlborough Land District a. b. p. Pelorus Bridge (addition) .. | Section 64, Block IX, Wakamarina Survey District I 49 0 00 I * Westland Land District Lake Brunner (addition) . . Reserve 1823 (formerly closed road), Blocks XI 22 0 00 12/2/44 and XII, Hohonu Survey District „ „ . . Refuge Islands, situated in Block IX, Te Kinga 1 2 00 12/2/44 Survey District Lake Kaniere (addition) .. Reserve 1824 (formerly Lot 1, D.P. 900), being part 12 3 15 12/2/44 Sections 1699 and 1778, Block XI, Kaniere Survey District )( „ .. Reserve 1825 (formerly Lot 2, D.P. 990), being part 7 3 26 12/2/44 Sections 1699 and 1778, Block XI, Kaniere Survey District Lake Wahapo (addition) .. Reserve 1839 (formerly closed road), Block XVI, 50 0 00 12/2/44 Okarito Survey District, and Block XIII, Wataroa Survey District Total .. . . „ .143 1_01 * Education-endowment land set apart for scenic purposes by section 10 of the Beserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1943.