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Presented to both Houses of General Assembly by Leave

AGREEMENT FOR UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND REHABILITATION ADMINISTRATION Washington, 9th November, 1943 The Governments or Authorities whose duly authorized representatives have subscribed hereto, Being United Nations or being associated with the United Nations in this war, Being determined that immediately upon the liberation of any area by the Armed Forces of the United Nations or as a consequence of retreat of the enemy the population thereof shall receive aid and relief from their sufferings, food, clothing, and shelter, aid in the prevention of pestilence and in the recovery of the health of the people, and that preparation and arrangements shall be made for the return of prisoners and exiles to their homes and for assistance in the resumption of urgently needed agricultural and industrial production and the restoration of essential services, Have agreed as follows:— Article I There is hereby established the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. 1. The Administration shall have power to acquire, hold and convey property, to enter into contracts and undertake obligations, to designate or create agencies and to review the activities of agencies so created, to manage undertakings and in general to perform any legal act appropriate to its objects and purposes. 2. Subject to the provisions of article VII, the purposes and functions of the Administration shall be as follows:— (а) To plan, co-ordinate, administer, or arrange for the administration of measures for the relief of victims of war in any area under the control of any of the United Nations through the provision of food, fuel, clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities, medical and other essential services; and to facilitate in such areas, so far as necessary to the adequate provision of relief, the production and transportation of these articles and the furnishing of these services. The form of activities of the Administration within the territory of a member Government wherein that Government exercises administrative authority and the responsibility to be assumed by the member Government for carrying out measures planned by the Administration therein shall be determined after consultation with and with the consent of the member Government. (б) To formulate and recommend measures for individual or joint action by any or all of the member Governments for the co-ordination of purchasing, the use of ships and other procurement activities in the period following the cessation of hostilities, with a view to integrating the plans and activities of the Administration with the total movement of supplies, and for the purpose of achieving an equitable distribution of available supplies. The Administration may administer such co-ordination measures as may be authorized by the member Governments concerned. (c) To study, formulate, and recommend for individual or joint action by any or all of the member Governments measures with respect to such related matters, arising out of its experience in planning and performing the work of relief and rehabilitation, as may be proposed by any of the member Governments. Such proposals shall be studied and recommendations formulated if the proposals are supported by a vote of the Council, and the recommendations shall be referred to any or all of the member Governments for individual or joint action if approved by unanimous vote of the Central Committee and by vote of the Council.