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Explanatory note on omission of B. 7 and 8.-7 a (Appropriations chargeable on Consolidated and Public Works Funds and other Accounts). The appropriations chargeable on the Consolidated Fund and on the Public Works Fund and other accounts have prior to the year 1939-40 been published in the Appendices under the description 8.-7 and 8.-7 A respectively. The appropriations are compiled from the estimates of expenditure chargeable on the respective funds or accounts which have been submitted to and passed by the House. The estimates consist of the main estimates and the supplementary estimates. For reasons of economy the appropriations have not been printed separately. If it is desired to ascertain the amount appropriated for any particular item of the estimates, there must be added to the amount shown on the main estimates the amount, if any, for the same item shown on the supplementary estimates. The total amount appropriated for each vote {e.g., Vote " Legislative ") is shown in the summary published in the supplementary estimates. For the separate items, however, both main and supplementary estimates must be consulted. Commencing with the financial year 1942-43 a further change was made in the presentation of the estimates of expenditure. The estimates for the Public Works Fund were not submitted separately, but were incorporated in the one estimate of expenditure. The word " Fund " was dropped, and the public-works estimates are under the heading of the Public Works Account. The same relative order is maintained in the supplementary estimates as in the main estimates.