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"B.—l [Pt. IV]

PRINTING AND STATIONERY DEPARTMENT—-continued Profit and Loss Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr. £ Or. £ Office salaries .. .. .. .. .. 8,790 Balance transferred from Trading Account .. .. 32,045 Repairs and alterations to buildings and plant .. 2,509 Storing and handling stationery, &c„ for other GovernPostage and telegrams .. .. .. .. 1,207 ment Departments .. .. •• 1,503 Freight and cartage: Outwards .. .. .. 2,889 Commission on sales of publications .. .. .. Discounts allowed .. ■ • • • • • 105 Rents receivable .. .. .. . • • • 230 Telephones : Rental .. .. .. ■ • 128 Profit on war-risk insurance .. .. ■ • 'J39 Medical services .. .. .. .. •• 14 Balance carried down .. .. •• 2,;i77 Lighting, &e. : Proportion .. . . .. .. 69 Proportion of rent, &c., High Commissioner's Office .. 340 Office expenses .. .. .. .. ■ • 240 Sundry trade expenses .. .. .. .. 4(39 Audit fee .. . • .. • ■ • • 160 Wages: Cleaners, watchmen, &e. .. .. .. 2,571 Interest on capital .. .. .. • ■ 9 , 025 Depreciation — £ Buildings .. .. . ■ ■ • 1,012 Plant and machinery .. .. .. 0,675 Furniture, fittings, and office equipment .. 78 Type and type metal .. .. .. 7(5 Accessories .. .. .. • ■ 633 8,374 Rent of storage space .. • • • • • • 1,209 Losses on disposal of assets .. .. ■ • 10 £38,689 £38,689 £ Balance brought down .. .. .. .• 2,377 Treasury Adjustment Account as at 31st March, 1943 Part I Dr £ Cr. £ Balance transferred to Part II .. .. •• 93,580 Furniture and fittings from Treasury .. .. 1 Balance ol Receipts and Payments Account .. .. 93,579 £93,580 £93,580 Part II Dr. £ " Balance of Treasury Adjustment Account as at 31st Balance of Treasury Adjustment Account as at 31st March, 1942, now transferred to Capital Account .. 2,981 March, 1942 .. .. .. .. .. 2,981 Balance carried down .. •• 103,205 Interest on capital .. 9,625 Balance transierred irom rart J . . . . .. Vm , ooU £106,186 £106,186 £ Balance brought down .. .. .. .. £103,205 Balance-sheet as at 31st Mahch, 1943 Liabilities £ £ Assets £^ Capital Account— " " " " " " at'^cFr Public Works Fund 112,623 Buddings .. 33,795 Consolidated Fund 128,010 Plant and machinery- £ 240,033 Composing plant .. .. .. OJo PrprlitorH Machine composing plant .. .. 0,885 Departmental 8,767 Addressograph plant 23 Sundrv .. .. .. .. 52,443 Printing plant .. .. .. .. 4,2,58 y 61,210 Binding plant .. .. .. .. 2,687 Wages accrucd l.fll Litho plant 2,214 Bad debts reserve , Photo plant 4,424 Writing-off, Suspense Account 2,178 Stereotype plant 355 Treasury Adjustment Account .. . . .. 103,205 Engine-room plant 220 J Miscellaneous plant .. .. .. 3,224 ' 24,898 Furniture, fittings, and office equipment .. .. 569 Type and type metal .. .. .. .. 12,371 Accessories — Composing Branch .. .. . . 742 Machine Composing Branch . . . . 29 Printing Branch .. . . .. J 7 Binding Branch . . .. .. 142 Litho Branch .. .. . . . . 34 Photo Branch .. .. . . . • 19 Stereotype Branch . , . . . . 4 Engine-room .. .. . . . . 82 Paper-store . . . . . . . . 79 1,148 Debtors, departmental .. .. .. 60,410 Sundry .. .. .. .. .. 2,519 62,935 Work in progress .. .. .. .. .. 35,196 StockOn hand .. .. .. .. 179,168 In transit .. .. . . .. 73 On consignment .. . . . . 132 — 179,373 Stock Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 2,156 Assets to be written off . . . . . . 23 Balance, Profit and Loss Account .. .. 2,377 £409,200 £409,200 A. W. Gyles, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Receipts and Payments, Trading, and Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return 8.-l [Pt. IV] and to the comment that the asset, " Typo and type metal £12,371," is not supported by stock-sheets.— Cyril C. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.
