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NATIVE DEPARTMENT— continued DISTRICT MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued Combined and Separate Balance-sheets as at 31st March, 1943— continued Assets

B.—l [Pt. IV]

0. N. Campbell, Under-Secretary. M. J. Lawless, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Statement of Receipts and Payments, Income and Expenditure Accounts, Appropriation Account, and Balance-sheet have been compared with the accounts and balancesheets of the respective Maori Land Boards and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the following comments : _ . Aotea.—The Audit Office is not aware of any statutory authority for the advance of moneys amounting to £1,086 19s. 9d. for the purchase of seed potatoes in connection with a Maori War Eitort Production Campaign. . 11.r4.Lij j Tairawhiti.—The Audit Office is unable to certify to the adequacy of certain securities owing to the absence of information as to the values 01 the lands secured. Tokerau.—The Audit Office is not aware of any statutory authority for advances on overdraft to blocks, &c„ amounting to £5,433 15s. Bd. and for the following payments out of the accounts mentioned—Te Kao Cream Truck Account : Grant to Te Kao School Farm, £200; wages and metal used on roads inside Te Kao, £68 14s. ; temporary advances, £1,43_ 18s. 4d.; le .tore Accounts : Grant to R. A. Northwood, £20 ; wages and metal used on roads inside Te Kao, £91 Bs. 2d.— Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


— — 1 — " : ~~ ( I Totals. Tokerau. jSiapoto. Waiariki. i Tairawhiti. Aotea. Ikaroa. ; South Island. .. 20*947 lfsi7 j , 705 681 " .. .. 3,345 _92_| 514 j 298 I 299 1,104 J)73__ 65_ 24,292 1,609 3,506 I 5,188 7,506 4,059 1,678 746 Investments — Common Fund- 11 400 26 900 1 26,441 67,626 67,061 27,853 5,600 Mortgages and charges 232,881 11,400 .6,900 g ;, 47 ; OnTecoKth Native Trustee ".! !!'. !'. !217', 089 "l84 43,244 4,469 69,207 43,039 19,398 Advances on overdraft to blocks, &e 23,462 5,500 5,691 932 1,36,2 3,052 6,401 524 Government securities .. 124,566 16,865 10,001 20,000 38,600 29,800 6,250 3,050 Mo r rteat r s eStateS- . 17,221 .. 9.104 .. I .. 2,950 5,167 Government and other securities !! !! " . .. .. 1.000 [ 5,225 U>05 36_ 729,821 34,949 89,244 150,335 150,528 186,442 89,715 28,608 Sundry debtors 6,711 853 555 3,524 20 568 51 1,140 Interest and instalments (due and accrued) .. .. .. .. 5,776 122 153 o,41~ .. — 12,487 975 708 8,936 20 568 140 1,140 ' Land and buildings 37,273 .. 11,083 5,503 7,031 13,256 400 .. Office equipment, &c 16,911 100 3,912 4,14o 3,362 3,.34o 1,369 6 ' b 54,184 100 14,995 9,648 10,393 16,601 1,769 678 Assets of special trusts under — Native Land Act, 1931, section 105.. .. .. .. .. 86,897 .. ■■ 86,897 ;■ ■ - Native Land Act, 1931, section 358 .. .. .. .. 130,652 .. •• •• 40,060 90,0 J- „ 217,549 .. •• 86,897 40,060 90,592 Appropriation Account .. .. .. .. .. •• 13,332 13,332 .. •• •• •• ' Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. ■■ •• 1,051,665 50,965 | 108,453 261,004 208,507 298,262 j 93,302 31,172