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The Marketing Department procedure in the carrying-out of the foregoing decisions was as follows :— (a) Local manufacturers were supplied with wool during the 1942-43 season on the basis mentioned above, and they paid the standard handling charges in addition to the price for wool. The overall average price of the wool supplied to local manufacturers was 12-645 d. per pound for greasy wool and 15-576 d. per pound for slipe wool. (b) Payment to owners of greasy wool was made as to 90 per cent, of the appraisal values on appraisal; at the end of the wool year 5 per cent, of the appraisal values was paid in Government bonds or stock ; the balance of the purchase-price was distributed in cash as a percentage (8-82183 per cent.) on the appraisal values. The effect of the purchase basis outlined is that woolgrowers received (in cash and bonds) for their total 1942-43 season's greasy wool the overall average price of 13-966 d. per pound, which represents an increase of 14-008 per cent, on the overall average price for their total clip for the 1941-42 season. The total amount paid to owners of greasy wool for the 1942-43 season was £16,723,585, comprising payment in cash £15,991,827, and payment in Government bonds and stock and to credit of National Savings Accounts £731,758. (c) Payment to owners of slipe wool was made as to 95-6522 per cent, of the appraisal values on appraisal; at the end of the wool year a further payment was made of 1-29959 per cent, on the amounts already paid to owners. This further payment brought the overall average purchase-price up to 18-6742 d. per pound, being the 1941—42 season overall average purchase-price (16-9766 d.) plus 10 per cent. The total amount paid to owners of slipe wool for the 1942-43 season was £2,980,030. Note. —The purchase and payment arrangements outlined above are covered by the Purchase of Wool Emergency Regulations 1939, with Amendment Nos. 1 and 2. These regulations provided for appeal by owners of greasy wool for payment in full in cash instead of payment in part in Government bonds or stock. Payment for greasy wool is made to woolbrokers on behalf of woolgrowers, and for slipe wool to freezing companies and exporters. For both greasy and slipe wool payment is made fourteen days after date of appraisal. Appraisal values are calculated after allowance for actual tare. APPRAISAL PROCEDURE The procedure for appraisal of wool outlined in the report for the year ended 31st July, 1941, was followed during the 1942-43 season. The following tables show the quantities and values of wool appraised during the years ended 30th June, 1942, and .1943 : —

Greasy Wool

Slipe Wool

SCOURING AND CARBONIZING OF WOOL For the year ended 30th June, 1943, 192,982 bales of wool (approximately 69,608,643 lb.) were allocated for scouring for United Kingdom and Russia. The terms and conditions of the scouring contract remained the same as for the 1941-42 season. The quantity of wool allotted for carbonizing tip to 30th June, 1943 (1942-43 season), was 1,554 bales (560,9491b.). SHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS AND DESTINATION OF WOOL EXPORTS The United Kingdom Wool Control released quantities of wool for shipment to the United States of America, Canada, India, Australia, and Russia.


Purchased for Sale to United Kingdom Ministry of Supply. Purchased for Sale to , Local Mills. -Total Appraisals. Year ended. F or Shipment in the Grease. For Scouring. Bales. | Net Pounds. Bales. Net Pounds. Bales. Net Pounds. Bales. Net Pounds. Value. 30th June, 1943 582,102 199,739,070 194,854 70,270,009 56,835 18,1)82,659 833,791 288,692,638 16 804 827 12 4 30th June, 1942 595,195 202,213,475 170,548 63,638,627 55,159 18,098,195 826,902 283,950,297 8 2 ' '

Purchased for Sale to - , „ , P „ c . , United Kingdom Ministry to Tota , ApprataJg . Year ended. ot supply * Bales. Net Pounds. Bales. Net Pounds. Bales. Net Pounds. Value. £ s d 30th June, 1943 .. 115,738 38,232,570 217 70,312 115,955 38,302,882 3,115 103 16 7 30th June, 1942 .. 157,875 51,716,786 716 225,828 158,591 51,942,614 3,674'195 19 5