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(ft) All loan contracts shall stipulate the currency or currencies in which payments under the contract shall be made to the Bank. At the option of the borrower, however, such payments may be made in gold, or, subject to the agreement of the Bank, in the currency of a member other than that prescribed in the contract— (i) In the case of loans made under Section 1 (a) (i) of this Article, the loan contracts shall provide that payments to the Bank of interest, other charges, and amortization shall be made in the currency loaned, unless the member whose currency is loaned agrees that such payments shall be made in some other specified currency or currencies. These payments, subject to the provisions of Articles 11, Section 9 (c), shall be equivalent to the value of such contractual payments at the time the loans were made, in terms of a currency specified for the purpose by the Bank by a three-fourths majority of the total voting-power; (ii) In the case of loans made under Section 1 (a) (ii) of this Article, the total amount outstanding and payable to the Bank in any one currency shall at no time exceed the total amount of the outstanding borrowings made by the Bank under Section 1 (a) (ii) and payable in the same currency: (c) If a member suffers from an acute exchange stringency, so that the service of any loan contracted by that member or guaranteed by it or by one of its agencies cannot be provided in the stipulated manner, the member concerned may apply to the Bank for a relaxation of the conditions of payment. If the Bank is satisfied that, some relaxation is in the interests of the particular member and of the operations of the Bank and of its members as a whole, it may take action under either, or both, of the following paragraphs with respect to the whole, or part, of the annual service— (i) The Bank may, in its discretion, make arrangements with the member concerned to accept service payments on the loan in the member's currency for periods not to exceed three years upon appropriate terms regarding the use of such currency and the maintenance of its foreign exchange value; and for the repurchase of such currency on appropriate terms; (ii) The Bank may modify the terms of amortization or extend the life of the loan, or both. Sections.—Guarantees (a) In guaranteeing a loan placed through the usual investment channels, the Bank shall charge a guarantee commission payable periodically on the amount of the loan outstanding at a rate determined by the Bank. During the first ten years of the Bank's operations this rate shall be not less than 1 per cent, per annum and not greater than 1| per cent, per annum. At the end of this period of ten years the rate of commission may be reduced by the Bank with respect both to the outstanding portions of loans already guaranteed and to future loans if the reserves accumulated by the Bank under Section 6 of this Article and out of other earnings are considered by it sufficient to justify, a reduction. In the case of future loans the Bank shall also have discretion to increase the rate of commission beyond the above limit if experience indicates that an increase is advisable. (?>) Guarantee commissions shall be paid directly to the Bank by the borrower. (c) Guarantees by the Bank shall provide that the Bank may terminate its liability with respect to interest if,, upon default by the borrower and by the guarantor, if any, the Bank offers to purchase, at par and interest accrued to a date designated in the offer, the bonds or other obligations guaranteed. (d) The Bank shall have power to determine any other terms and conditions of the guarantee. Section 6.—Special Reserve The amount of commissions received by the Bank under Sections 4 and 5 of this Article shall be set aside as a special reserve, which shall be used only for meeting liabilities of the Bank in accordance with Section 7 of this Article. The special reserve shall be held in such liquid form, permitted under this Agreement, as the Executive Directors may decide. Section 7. —Methods ok meeting Liabilities of the Bank in case of Defaults In cases of default on loans made, participated in, or guaranteed by the Bank:— (a) The Bank shall make such arrangements as may be feasible to adjust the obligations under the loans, including arrangements under or analogous to those provided in Section 4 (c) of this Article: (b) The payments in discharge of the Bank's liabilities on borrowings or guarantees under Sections 1 (a) (ii) and (iii) of this Article shall be charged— (i) First, against the special reserve provided in Section 6 of this Article;