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A l / Salvador — Augustin Ali'aro Moran (Chairman of the Delegation). Haul Gamero. Victor Manuel Vaides. Ethiopia— Blatta Ephrem Tewelde Medhen, Minister to tJio United States (Chairman of the Delegation). George A. Blowers, Governor, State Bank of Ethiopia. French Delegastion— Pierre Mendes-France, Commissioner of Finance (Chairman of the Delegation). Andre Istel, Technical Counselor to the Department of Finance. Assistant Delegates— .lean de Largentaye, Finance Inspector. Robert M'osse, Professor of Economics. Raoul Aglion, Legal Counselor. Andre Paul Maury. Greece— Kyriakos Varvaressos, Governor of the Bank of Greece; Ambassador Extraordinary for Economic and Financial Matters (Chairman of the Delegation). Alexander Argyropoulos, Minister Resident, Director, Economic and Commercial Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Athanase Sbarounis, Director General, Ministry of Finance. Guatemala — Manuel Noriega Morales, Postgraduate Student in Economic Sciences, Harvard University (Chairman of the Delegation). Haiti— Andre Liautaud, Ambassador to the United States (Chairman of the Delegation). Pierre Chauvet, Under Secretary of State for Finance. Uondwas — Julian R. Caceres, Ambassador to the .United States (Chairman of the Delegation). Iceland— Magnus Sigurdsson, Manager, National Bank of Iceland (Chairman of the Delegation). Asgeir Asgeirsson, Manager, Fishery Bank of Iceland. Svanbjorn Frimannsson, Chairman, ' State Commerce Board. India — Sir Jeremy Raisman, Member for Finance, Government of India (Chairman of the Delegation). Sir Theodore Gregory, Economic Adviser to the Government of India. Sir Chintaman D. Deshmukh, Governor, Reserve Bank of India. Sir Shanmukham Chetty. A. D. Shroff, Director, Tata Sons, Ltd. Iran — Abol Hassan Ebtehaj, Governor of National Bank of Iran (Chairman of the Delegation). A. A. Daftary, Counselor, Iranian Legation, Washington. Hossein Navab, Consul General, New York. Taghi Nassr, Iranian Trade and Economic Commissioner, New York. I raq— Ibrahim Kamal, Senator and former Minister of Finance (Chairman of the Delegation). Lionel M. Swan, Adviser to the Ministry of Finance. Ibrahim Al-Kabir, Accountant General, Ministry of Finance. Claude E. Loombe, Comptroller of Exchange and Currency Officer. Liberia— William E. Dennis, Secretary of the Treasury (Chairman of the■ Delegation). James F. Cooper, former Secretary of the Treasury. Walter F. Walker, Consul General, New York. Luxembourg— Hugues Le Gallais, Minister to the United States (Chairman of the Delegation). Mexico — Eduardo Suarez, Minister of Finance (Chairman of the Delegation). Antonio Espinosa de los Monteros, Executive President of Nacional Financiera; Director of Banco de Mexico.

Mexico—continued Rodrigo Gomez, Manager of Banco de Mexico. Daniel Cosio Villegas, Chief of the Department of Economic Studies, Banco de Mexico. Netherlands — J. W. Beyen, Financial Adviser to the Netherlands Government (Chairman of lite Delegation). D. Orena de longh, President of the Board for the Netherlands Indies, Surinam, and Curasao in the United States. H. Riemens, Financial Attache, Netherlands Embassy, Washington; Financial Member of the Netherlands Economic, Financial, and Shipping Mission in the United States. A. H. Philipse, Member of the Netherlands Economic, Financial, and Shipping Mission in the United States. New Zealand — Walter Nash, Minister of Finance; Minister to the United States (Chairman of the Delegation). Bernard Carl Ashwin, Secretary to the Treasury. Edward C. Fussell, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Alan G. B. Fisher, Counselor, New Zealand Legation,, Washington. Nicaragua—• Guillermo Sevilla Sacasa, Ambassador to the United States (Chairman of the Delegation). Leon Deßayle, former Ambassador to the United States. J. Jesus Sanchez Roig, former Minister of Finance; Vice Chairman, Board of Directors, National Bank of Nicaragua. Norway— Wilhelm Keilhau, Director, Bank of Norway, p.t., London (Chairman of the Delegation). Ole Colbjornsen, Financial Counselor, Norwegian Embassy, Washington. Arne Skaug, Commercial Counselor, Norwegian Embassy, Washington. Panama— Guillermo Arango, President, Investors Service Corporation of Panama (Chairman of the Delegation). Narciso E. Garay, First Secretary, Panamanian Embassy, Washington. Paraguay— Celso R. Velazquez, Ambassador to the United States (Chairman of the Delegation). Nestor M. Campos Ros, First Secretary, Paraguayan Embassy, Washington. I'eru — Pedro Beltr&n, Ambassador-designate to the United States (Chairman of the Delegation). Manuel B. Llosa, Second Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies; Deputy from Cerro de Pasco. Andr6s F. Dasso, Senator from Lima. Alberto Alvarez Calderon, Senator from Lima. Juvenal Monge, Deputy from Cuzco. Juan Chavez, Minister, Commercial Counselor, Peruvian Embassy, Washington. Philippine Conimonivealth — Colonel Andres Soriano, Secretary of Finance of the Philippine Commonwealth (Chairman of the Delegation). Jaime Hernandez, Aiiditor General of the Philippine Commonwealth. Joseph 11. Foley, Manager, Philippine National Bank, New York Agency, Philippine Commonwealth. Poland — Ludwik Grosfeld, Minister of Finance (Chairman of the Delegation). Leon Baranski, Director General, Bank of Poland. Zygmunt Karpinski, Director, Bank of Poland. Stanislaw Kirkor, Director, Ministry of Finance. Janusz Zoltowski, Financial Counselor, Polish Embassy, Washington. ■ Union of South Africa — S. F. N. Gie, Minister to the United States (Chairman of the Delegation). J. E. T-lolloway, Secretary for Finance (CoDelegate) . M. H. de Kock, Deputy Governor of South African Bank (Co-Delegate).