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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

Members of the Board Hon. Sir Hubert Ostler, Kt. (President); Sir Donald McGavin, Kt., C.M.G., D.5.0., M.D. (Lond.) F.R.C.S /Em*) ■ B. L. Dallard, Esq.; Theo. G. Gray, Esq., C.M.G., M.8., M.P.C.; and Ernest Edridge, Esq. (Sir Hubert Ostler retired in February, 1943, and the Hon. Mr. Justice Blair was appointed in his place.)

® IR ' T . , 3rd June, 1943. 1 have the honour to forward herewith the report of the Prisons Board for the year .1942. I have, &c., mi TT T ... . m A. W. Blair, ihe Hon. the Minister of Justice. President

REPORT OF THE PRISONS BOARD For the Year ended 31st December, 1942 The Board has to report that during the year it visited each of the prisons, prison camps, and Borstal institutions in the Dominion. It dealt with a total of 933 cases at fifteen meetings held in Wellington and at the various institutions. b The following summary gives details of the cases considered and the decisions arrived at Cases dealt with. Board's Decisions 1 ersons undergoing Borstal detention . . 333 Recommended for release on probation 482 Persons sentenced to reformative detention.. 237 Deferred for later consideration 384 Persons sentenced to hard labour .. .. 283 Petitions declined .. 20 Habitual criminals .. . . . . 41 Recommended for discharge .. 27 Habitual offenders .. .. .. .. Discharged from probation .. 18 Habitual criminals for remission of head Recommended remission of head sentence 1 sentence .... .. .. 2 Modification of terms of probation 1 Probationers under Crimes Amendment Act 17 Probationers under Offenders Probation Act 20 933 933 Having but recently assumed the office of President of the Prisons Board, I do not propose to comment on the 1942 statistics except to note that the satisfactory results shown by the statistics for previous years have continued to be maintained. It is witli regret the Board records the premature retirement of Sir Hubert Ostler whose appointment as President terminated when, on account of failing health, he retired from the Supremo Court Bench in February of this year. Sir Hubert was profoundly interested in the work of the Board and the welfare of those coming under its purview. At considerable personal sacrifice he save his time both willingly and liberally in this connection.