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(2) Numerical Statement for the Year ended 31st December, 1942

Details of Discontinuances, &c., during the Year

Numerical Progress since Establishment


Numbers. Class 1. Class 2. Class 3. Class i. Class 5. rwr»!!i?iLAnnuity Rate, 10s. Annuity Rate, 20s. Annuity Rate, 30s. Annuity Rate, 40s. Superannuation. A 0 gregate. M. { E. | T. M. | P. | T. M. | F. ] T. M. F. | T. M, j F. T. M. | F. T. - . — — . - _ Number of contributors at commence- 14,178 910 15,088 2,073 345 2,418 211 39 250 482 73 555 5,421 4,615 10,036 22,365 5,982 28,347 322,819 ment of year New entrants during the year .. 342 157 499 89 34 123 7 3 10 16 15 31 255 1,769 2,024 709 1,978 2,687 37,597 Transfer from another class 22 4 26 73 11 84 14 14 19 7 26 3 1 4 131 23 154 15,418 Increase due to adjustment on ageerror, &c. Total .. .. .. 14,542 1,071 15,613 2,235 390 2,625 232 42 274 517 95 612 5,679 6,385 12,064 23,205 7,983 31,188 375,834 Discontinuances, &e. (as per detailed 921 107 1,028 156 42 198 17 4 21 28 5 33 355 1,045 1,400 1,477 1,203 2,680 32,081 statement below) Total at end of year .. 13,621 964 14,585 2,079 348 2,427 215 38 253 489 90 579 5,324 5,340 10,664 |21,728 6,780 28,508 343,753

Death .. .. .. .. 92 2 94 22 22 .. | .. .. 4 1 1 5 37 2 39 155 5 160 3,499 Notice of withdrawal .. .. 461 71 ! 532 61 25 86 6 j .. 6 4 ! 2 6 246 1,024 1,270 778 1,122 1,900 23,243 Lapse and cancellation .. .. 229 14 ; 243 29 1 30 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 258 15 273 797 Attainment of annuity age 63 8 71 13 9 22 1 1 2 7 1 8 71 19 90 155 38 193 3,185 Transfer to another class .. .. 76 12 88 31 7 38 10 : 3 13 13 1 14 1 1 131 23 154 1,353 Decrease due to adjustment on age- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 error, &c. Total .. .. .. 921 107 1,028 J 156 42 198 17 f 4 21 28 5 33 j 355 [1,045 1,400 1,477 1,203 2,680 32,081

Total entered .. .. .. 62,984 5,427 68,411 10,121 1,354 11,475 1,077 174 1,251 1,391 271 1,662 11,752 19,750 31,502 87,325 26,9761114,301 Total transferred from other classes 4,657 256 4,913 3,134 272 3,406 565 71 636 815 67 882 130 5 135 9,301 671 9,972 67,641 5,683 73,324 13,255 1,626 14,881 1,642 245 1,887 2,206 338 2,544 11,882 19,755 31,637 96,626 27,647 124,273 j ~ " Total discontinued .. .. 50,804 4,480 55,284 6,708 1,000 7,708 711 120 831 876 181 1,057 6,498 14,415 20,913 65,597 20,196:85,793 Total transferred to other classes .. 3,216 239 3,455 4,468 278 4,746 716 87 803 841 67 908 60 60 9,301 j 671 9,972 54,020 4,719 I 58,739 11,176 1,278 12,454 1,427 207 1,634 1,717 j 248 1,965 6,558 14,415 20,973 74,898 120,867 95,765 ! Total contributors on books at 31st 13,621 964 14,585 2,079 348 2,427 215 ; 38 253 489 90 : 579 5,324 5,340 10,664 21,728 6,780 ( 28,508 343,753 December, 1942 | j i j