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«g*S ' Depth of Shaft Number of Persons | m K . vr. i System of j or Tntni Total Total ordinarily employed, i Title held Name of Mine- , T , , , , 2 | Classification 2 2 lnicKness Under- lg? Length of Stone 0nf .°„ tfnr Output to Output to Means of Name of Mine and Locality. (Crown Lease or mana aer and Class Name and Address of Owner. £ of Coa j of worked. ground He Drive (if any) i qa9 31st Decern- 31st Decern- .j fe * . Ventilation. otherwise). of Certificate 3 * 3 3 coal-seams. j Working. to reach ber, 1941. ber, 1942. > o « £ C z g S Coal-seam. .a ® _? j* ! | i_2 H SOUTHERN INSPECTION DISTRICT —continued. Central Otaqo. 11! I III Tons ' Tons * Tons ' Cairnmuir, Cromwell .. .. I Freehold and W. Hodson (D.) .. Cairnmuir Coal Co., Ltd., Christ- 2 Lignite .. 1 6-'to 20' 7' .. Bordand ..! .. 214 808 1,022 1 1 2 Natural. Crown lease j church pillar , Idaburn, Oturehua .. .. Freehold .. | K. Barber (D.) .. : K. Barber, Oturehua ..72 „ .. 1 W ..28; .. Opencast .. .. 1,158 65,221 8«,379 2 .. 2 McPhersons, Coal Creek .. i Crown lease .. i N. J. Harliwich (P.) I N. J. Harhwich, Roxburgh ..72 „ 1 14 ..14 .. „ .. .. o'Si? o'SSS Z o " Oturehua Oturehua .. .. „ .. A. Brown (D.) .. i J. R. and A. Becker, Oturehua.. 48 „ 1 12' .. 12 .. .. .. 30 S,94o »,97o z z „ Shepherd's Creek, Bannockburn.. I „ .. J. Hodson (2nd C.j J. Hodson, Bannockburn ..65 „ .. 1 16' to 20' 10' .. Bord and .. 100' .. 1,232 146,669 147,901 1 2 3 Fan. ! pillar Benhar, Benhar .. .. j Freehold and j J. Findlater (D.) .. McSkimming and Sons, Ltd., Ben- 79 Lignite .. 1 14' .. 10' .. Bordand .. 150' .. .. 6,744 362,990 369,734 1 7 8 Fan. Crown lease i har pillar I East Taieri, Bast Taierl .. Freehold .. J. Dunlop (D.) .. J. Dunery East Taieri 23! „ .. 1 15' .. 6; .. Ditto .. .. 7ch... .. 1,849 It'tH I % Elliotvale Milton .. .. „ ..I C. Harris (P.) .. : Elliotvale Colhenes, Ltd., Dunedtn 13 „ ..1 20 .. 8 .. ,, .. .. 200 .. .. 697 41,897 42,594 .. 2 2 „ Fairfield. Fairfield .. .. ., .. ; J. G. Barclay (U.).. Fairfield Coal Co., Ltd., Dunedin 10 „ .. 18' ..6' .. „ .. .. 165' .. .. 2,569 24,343 26,912 1 4 5 ,, Jubilee, Saddle Hill .. .. W.L. and free- F. Barclay (2nd C.) Jubilee Coal Co., Ltd., Dnnedin 45 „ .. 1 7'to 9'.. 6' .. „ .. .. 200'.. .. 9,087 j 665,015 674,102 5 10 15 Kaitangata, Kaitangata .. Freehold a n d F. Carson (1st C.) .. Kaitangata Coal Co., Ltd., Dunedin 66 „ .. 1 8'to 20' 8'to 20' .. „ .. .. 42} ch. .. 130,042 6,096,240 6,226,282 61 180 241 New FernhiU, Abbotsford .. Freehold * .. M. Hewitson (D.) .. Fernhill Coal Co., Ltd., Dunedin. . 10 „ ..1 7'to 14' 6' .. 300'. . .. 4,935 ? o l " Wangaloa, Kaitangata .. I Freehold a n d MR. McYie (D.) .. Wangaloa Coal Co., Ltd., Dunedin 20 „ .. 1 25 ..2d .. „ .. .. 5} ch. .. 3,431 23,414 26,84o 13 4,, Willowbank, East Taieri .. j Freehold .. | G. Scurr (D.) .. G. Scurr and Co.. Mosgiel .. 22 „ .. 2 10' .. 6' .. „ .. ; .. 200'.. .. 6,153 98,952 105,105 2 6 8 Southland District. \ „ , j . ono , Arffvle Waikaia .. Crown lease .. ' C. Hall (P.) .. ! T. Woodward. Waikaia .. ol Ligmte .. 1 10 ..11 .. Opencast .. .. 2bl 14,612 14,89-i 1 .. I Birchwood Ohai .. .. I J. Lewis (1st C.) .. Birchwood Coal Co., Ltd., Dunedin 19 Brown .. 1 9'to 25' 6'to 8' .. Bordand .. 35 ch. .. 39,392 327,637 367,029 17 ol 68 Fan. pillar Black Diamond, Nightcaps .. „ .. R. McDonald (2nd C.) Black Diamond Coal Co., Ltd., 27 ., .. 1 25' .. 25' .. Ditto .. .. .. 24,783 324,449 349,232 6 14 20 Nightcaps Black Lion, Ohai .. .. ,, .. A. Cain (2nd C.) .. McSkimming and Sons, Ltd., Benr 21 „ .. 1 ; 8' ..8' .. „ .. .. 5|ch. .. 13,666 239,612 253,2/8 4 16 -0 „ Boghead, Mat-aura .. •• Freehold .. J. Dee (P.) .. C. E. Rowe, Mataura .. ..37 Lignite 1 22; .. 10; .... 13 ch. .. 6,702 15 J»5SJ ] 3 f » Costers, Edendale .. .. „ .. D. A. Coster (P.) .. D. A. Coster, Mataura .. .. 6i .. 1 13, .. 13 .. Opencast .. .. 963 j'JJJ I ■■ i Croydon, Gore .. .. „ .. C. McGregor (P.) .. S. B. Taylor, Gore . • • 27 „ .. 1 lo .. 15 .. „ .. .. 1,327 42,971 1 1 2 Diamond Lignite, Asher's Siding Crown lease .. A. McMillan (P.) .. I S. McMillan, Invercargill ..40 „ .. 1 36 .. 36 .. ,, •• •• '2$? 4/,98_ '2o- 7 ', • . Firelight, Gore .. • • Freehold .. J. S. Harvev (D.) .. ; J. S. Harvey, Te Tipua .. 1 „ .. 1 11 to 12 7 .. Bord and .. Io0' .. .. 72o 72o 1 1 2 Natural. pillar Glenlee, Waikaia .. .. „ ..! J. G. Burgess (P.) F. W. Edge, Waikaka .. ..49 „ .. I 14; .. 8' .. Ditto.. 1,911 46,104 48,015 .. 1 1 Fan. Gold Light, Waikaia .. .. „ .. R. J. Meechang (P.) R. J. Meechang, Gore .. ..1 „ .. 1 14' .. 10 .. „ .. .. 3 ch lo2 .. 152 i; 1 2 Natural. Hawkanui, Waimumu .. .. „ .. R. J. Meechang (P.) A. Nicholson, Gore .. .. 1 „ .. 1 8 .. 8 - „ .. .. 74 . • •• 1 Hedgehope. Waimumu.. .. „ .. F. W. Burton (P.).. P. Larking, Mataura .. .. 4 „ .. 1 18 to 20 18 to 20 .. Opencast .. .. 0 S'? 32 . o? J'SS? ,, "Ao ,4 *• Linton, Ohai .. .. ; Freehold a n d A. Colligan (1st C.) Linton Coal Co., Ltd., Invercargill 27 Brown .. 1 30 to 40 30' to 40 .. Bordand .. .. 88,341 l,/o7,383 1,845,724 44 108 152 Fan. Crown lease pillar Mataura Lignite, Mataura .. Freehold .. J. Pearson (D.) .. Beattie, Coster, and Co., Ltd., 66 Ligmte .. 1 14' ..14' .. Opencast .. .. 2,449 420,468 422,917 3 .. 3 .. Mataura Paper-mills, Mataura .. „ . - | A. W. Coster (D.) .. | N.Z. Paper Mills, Ltd., Dunedin.. 4 „ ■■ } }4; to 24' 14' to 24'.. .. .. If'oS? Ato'lni 4 \; 0 4 „ •• Mossbank, Ohai .. .. Crown lease .. J. T. McLelland (1st Mossbank Coal Co., Ltd., Inver- 2 Brown .. 11/ ..8 .. Bordand ..130.. .. 23,391 659,409 682,800 lo 38 06 Fan. C.) cargill pillar Newvale. Waimumu .. .. Freehold .. j P. J. Terry .. i Terry and Bryant, Gore .. 2£ Lignite .. 1 12' ..12' .. Opencast .. .. 5,215 3,305 8,520 o .. 5 Ota Creek, Wyndham .. .. Crown lease.. ; E. Genge (P.) .. | E. Genge, Wyndham .. .. 62 „ .. J 9' .. .. .. .. 472 £5,759 36,231 .. . .. •• Otikerama, Otikerama.. .. Freehold .. J. Hoffman (P.) .. J. Hoffman, Gore .. ..53 ,, .. 1-0 ..8 .. Bordand .. .. 3,242 76,-73 79,ol5 •• 2 - Natural. pillar | Eabv Gore .. .. .. ., .. J. S. Wilks (P.) .. J. E. Miller, Gore .. .. 9 „ .. 1 30' ..30' .. Opencast .. .. 3,184 24,620 27,804 2 2 Star" Ohai .. .. .. „ .. J. Baird (1st C.) .. Star Coal Co., Ltd., Tnvereargill .. 11 Brown .. 1 20' .. 8' .. Bordand .. 4ch... .. 35,941 126,6/9 162,620 12 38 =0 Fan. pillar Terrace, Balfour .. .. „ .. A. C. Dixon (D.) .. A. C. Dixon, Balfour .. .. 1? Lignite .. 1 16' ..9' .. Ditto .. .. 250'.. .. 1,178 16,457 -■ 2 2 Natural. Waimeamea, Orepuki .. .. Crown lease .. J. L. Hennessey (P.) J. L. Hennessey, Orepuki ..37 ,, .. 1 16' .. 13' •• Opencast .. .. .20 38,649 38,669 1 1 Waimumu. Waimumu .. .. ! Freehold .. A. Maxwell (P.) .. Waimumu Coal Co., Ltd., Gore ..-14 ,, .. 1 30' .. 30' .. ,, .. .. .. 6,/71 46,103 -3 .. -3 Wairaki, Ohai .. .. : Freehold a n d T. Young (1st C.) .. Wairaki Coal Co., Ltd., Invercargill T 29 Brown .. 1 7' to 22' 7" to 22 .. Bordand .. 40 ch. .. o6,288 670,804 727,092 27 43 70 Fan. Crown lease ! pillar | Output of collieries included in previous statements at which operations are abandoned or suspended ' .. .. •• •• •• .. •• -• 10,241,032 10,241,032 .. Totals, Southern District, South Island .. .. .. •• .. .. .. .. 558,078 24,083,582 24,641,660 257 616 873 Totals. West Coast District, South Island .. .. .. •• .. .. .. .. 1,191,329 48,166,700 49,358,029 634 1,664 2,298 Totals, Northern District, North Island .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 930,634 25,428,719 26,359,353 447 1,379 1,826 Grand totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,680,041 97,679,001 1100, 359, 042 1,338 3,659 4,997 Output of collieries prior to 1890, not included in above statement .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j 296,653 Shale exported. 1914 .. .. . . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 21 LJ 100,655,716 U___