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Prosecutions under ti-ie Goal-mines Act, 1925. Eighteen reformations. were laid, during" the year, and one was with/drawn. On 2nd February three deputies, an under viewer, and an acting mine-manager were prosecuted for iailing to make a full and accurate report as to the presence of noxious gas. In the case of the three deputies and the underviewer, section 128 (2) of the Coal-mines Act had been violated, and in the case ot the acting manager section 129 (2), as amended by the 1936 Amendment. All Ave men were convicted and fined with costs. , ~0 n J 3t ' 1 April two charges were heard against a mine-manager. The first charge (under Regulation 76 ot tlio Coal-mines Regulations 1939) was for permitting the width of working-places. to exceed 14 ft. On this charge he was convicted and fined £3, witli costs 10s. On the second charge, of entering an incorrect report in respect of the search of workmen before entering the mine (as prescribed in action 98 (2) of the Coal-mines Act, 1925), he was convicted and fined £1 10s., with costs 10s. On 13th April a miner was prosecuted for having in his possession in the mine a live wax match, contrary to section 98 (1) of the Coal-mines Act, 1925. He was convicted and fined £1, with costs 10s. On 13th April a miner was charged with having committed a breach of Regulation 70 of the Coal-mines Regulations 1939, in that the working-place under his charge had been driven to a width of 1/ it. He was convicted and fined £1, with costs 10s. A mine-manager and a miner were prosecuted for a breach of Regulation 221 (1) of the Coal-mines Act, 1920, 111 that they permitted explosives, not being in a secure case or canister, to be taken into the mine. Each was convicted and fined £3, with costs 1 Qs. Two mine-managers > were charged under Regulation 1(58 with using defective safety-lamps duringcompulsory inspections m the mine. Convictions were made in each case, the fines being £2 in, one case and £3 in the other, with costs 10s. each. On 26th May a miner, not being a qualified person, was prosecuted for firing a shot in the underground workings, a breach of Regulation 226 (b) of the Coal-mines Regulations, lie was convicted and fined £1, with costs .10s, On 25th August a mine-owner was charged under section 81 of the Coal-mines Act, 1925, with having failed to furnish a correct half-yearly coal output return. The information was later withdrawn. On 23rd November a sli)ot-firer and two miners were prosecuted for a breach of Regulation 224 (2) of the Coal-mines Regulations in connection with the firing of a shot. Convictions were secured and fines of £2, with 10s. costs, were imposed on each charge. SOUTHERN INSPECTION DISTRICT. (J. Hughes, Inspector op Coal-mines.) In accordance with the Coal-mines Act, 1925, I have the honour to submit the following report on the mining activities for the year ended 31st December, 1942: — Qanterbury District. Acheron Mine (Anthracite); Brockley 'Mine (Anthracite).—Developmental work has continued along lines previously followed, and at the former mine a reasonable area of anthracite is being proven Clearview Mine; Steventon Mime.—No new developmental work of importance was undertaken and the bulk of the output was obtained from pillar-extraction. LucJcnow Clay Mine; Sheffield Clay Mine.—ln the former mine, development work was continued along the main levels, and in the latter mine pillar-extraction only took place. „ „ Vjf*ory Mme.—'Several attempts have been made to intercept a workable area of coal in Bush Gully, with, so far, nothing tangible resulting. Klondylce Mine.—Ho major development work was done during the year, the output having been obtained from pillar-extraction in the No. 3 north level, and work preparatory to pillar-extraction in JNos. 5 and 6 north levels. Mount Somers Mine. —In the old mine pillar-extraction was completed and the area sealed off In the new mine development work was continued to the north for 5 chains, where inferior coal' was encountered; however, a reasonable area of coal has/ now been proven. Blackburn Mine. —General development work has continued with fairly satisfactory results. Swnnydale Clay Mine. —The mine was worked intermittently and on a small scale. Woodbank Mine (Albwy).—Operations at this mine were confined to opencast work. North Otago District. Airedale Mime.—Development has, continued to the dip and to the south-east, and the result can be classed as fair, development levels have also been driven east, but in both directions the coal is friable and, root conditions difficult. St. Andrews Mime.—Development work has taken place to the north-west of the main iie heading with only fair results. J h Ngapara Mine; Willetts Mine.- --All output has been again Won from pillar-extraction. Kockvale Aline. —A small amount of development work was done to the east, the balance of the work consisting of pillar-extraction. Shag Point Mine. No serious effort was made in regard to development, and the bulk of the output was obtained from pillar-extraction. Central Otago District. Shepherd's Creek Mime.—Pillar-extraction was completed at the old mine, and a block of old workings at the old No. 3 mine dewatered; it is proposed to extract the pillars from this area Caimmuir Mine.—During the year a new dip heading was driven adjacent to the old 'cairnmuir mine workings, but insufficient work has yet been done to assess the future prospects. Oturehua and Idaburn Pits. —Opencast operations have been continued at these pits. South Otago District. New_ Fernhill Mine.—The whole of the year's output has been won from pillar-extractiofi Jubilee Mine. —Pillar extraction has been continued throughout the mine, and during the vear it was round necessary to decrease the number of employees owing to limited pit room. Fairfield Mine.—Pillar-extraction only has taken place throughout the year. Willowbanlc Mine. —Pillar-extraction took place in the top seam along the lower south levels The .work of extending the main dip heading in the lower seam was also commenced towards the end of the year. ■ Bast Taieri Mine.—A small amount of development was carried out to the west in the lower levels and towards the end of the year pillar-extraction was commenced in this area. EUiotvale Mime—A small amount of pillar-extraction was continued adjacent to the old mine and some prospecting work was also done in the measures to the dip. Benhar Mine.—A small amount of development work was done to the dip, but most of the oufnut was obtained from extracting top coal along the higher south levels. 1 Wamgaloa Mine. —A small amount of development work was done to the dip, and. pillar-extraction was continued in the lower north-west levels. • Kaitangata Mine.—Tn the main east level, and also in the lower east levels from the main south dip headings, pillar-extraction has continued throughout the year, and the greater portion of the mine output has been obtained from these areas. Pillar-extraction has also been continued in the northern portion of the area known as Samson's, and it is in this seam that the only development work of