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G-reymouth District. Liverpool State Colliery, Bewanwi. —Morgan Seam: Development work was completed in No. 3 and crosscut sections in the latter half of the year, and extraction of pillars was carried out satisfactorily throughout the whole area. Morgan East Dip: Due to encountering a downthrow fault, development of the main dip has been suspended, but prospect work was continued in a subsidiary dip to the west. Development work was carried out to the east and west. Improvement of ventilation conditions in the west side has been secured by the completion of an undercast, thereby making the west side into a separate ventilating district. A compressed-air coal-cutting machine is employed in the west level and is operating satisfactorily. Pillar-extraction was commenced in a small panel in the top level section; the height of the seam is approximately 30 ft. Kimbell Section: Extraction of pillars has been continued throughout the year. In the Kimbell east section pillar-extraction was carried out in Nos. 5 and 6 banks, the latter area being almost exhausted, and preparatory work for sealing proceeding at the end of the year. Anderson Dip Section: Development work has been carried out to the west of the main dip immediately above the area sealed off because of heating in Murphy's dip. Improved conditions of roof and coal-seam were experienced in this section towards the end of the year. In a small section situated to the east, some pillar-splitting was carried out. Strongman State Colliery.—The output was won from development work in the following areas: — No. 1 North Section: Two main headings were advanced a total distance of 24J chains from No. 1 main haulage in the bottom seam. Due to the existence of stone bands varying in thickness up to 14 in. and with a combined thickness of 27 in., the output from this area was considerably retarded. No. 1 South Section (South Dip) : Development work was continued in two levels advancing in a south-easterly direction towards the Doherty fault, and a connection formed with No. 1 south level, which' now serves as the haulage road for the section. No. 2 South Level: During the year the Doherty fault was penetrated and development of the area on the upthrow side of the fault commenced. Two main levels have been advanced in a south-easterly direction approximately 3 chains in coal of excellent quality. No. 2 North Section: Development work was continued in the main headings, which have advanced a total distance of 24 chains from the main east heading. James Colliery, Bapahoe.—The output was won from pillar-extraction. This mine has now a very limited life. Blackball State Colliery, Blackball. —The output for the year was won from development work in the main headings and areas situated to the north and south of the main headings. Heavy roof weight, accompanied by feeders of water, resulted in No. 1 north section being stopped in July. Since then work has been proceeding- in the main dips and No. 2 north and No. 2 south sections. Soft coal and faulted ground were encountered in No. 2 north level, and towards the end of the year similar conditions existed in the main dip headings, while a thinning of the seam had caused the temporary stoppage of No. 1 south level. The coal is generally of a soft nature. Balderstone and Party.—The output for the year was again won from splitting and extracting of pillars in Nos. 3 and 4 sections in the top seam workings in the old Blackball Mine. Brianclale Collieries, Ltd., Ten-mile Creele. —Throughout the year pillar-extraction was continued in the top seam, No. 1 section, and development work in the bottom seam. Wallsend Colliery (Brmmr Collieries, Ltd.). —No. 1 Slant Dip: Development has been carried on for a distance of 6 chains west of this dip in good coal approximately 11 ft. in thickness. The dip on the east side was put down 3i chains to the fault and two more levels broken away off this dip in an easterly direction. No. 2 Slant Dip: Four levels west of this dip have been extended to a distance of 13 chains, the bottom level skirting thb fault. At a point 1 chain above the fault a level has been driven 2 chains in an easterly direction. "B " Panel: This panel was driven to a point where it was decided to form a barrier, and splitting has now sommenced ! .n ;his -panel. During the year the following jobs were completed above and below ground: Endless rope installed in No. 1 slant dip; main rope cut and separate haulage installed for extension rope-road; new bins put into commission and slack conveyor installed from old bins; steam-engine in bins replaced with electric motor; and old table replaced with rubber belt conveyor. Dobson Colliery (Grey Valley Collieries, Ltd.). —Development was again resumed below No. 5 level and toward the east and west at this point. Unfortunately No. 5 west is rather seriously disturbed and the main level has been stopped in order to allow prospecting to bo done below this level. No. 3 west has been finished and sealed off. New driving gear to increase the fan speed has been installed and a new substation built. A new electric hoist lias been built to replace the old air-driven hoist for the transportation of men up the stone drive. Underground: The No. 1 dip endless ropeway has been extended a further 20 chains to No. 5 level and the whole of No. 1 dip has been regraded. Paparoa Colliery (Paparoa Coal Co., Ltd.). —Aerial Section: For the first part of the year the output was obtained from the dip extension and the main south level. Development of the panel, rising off the main north level, was stopped until improved ventilation was obtained by the completion of the new main return on the south side of the main dip. This was completed about mid-year, and the development of the panel off the north level has been resumed in good-quality toal. Pillar-extraction has commenced along the fault line from the north panel in the dip extension to the main dip heading where it contacted thq main fault. Five pairs of miners are employed on day shift and two pairs of men are employed in brushing and retimbering the main dip on back shift. West Level Section (No. 2 Seam): Two pairs of miners are employed in the old slant heading section west of the main jig. This area, which had been standing for many years, was reopened and a steady production of good-quality coal isi being maintained. United Bnmner Mines, Ltd., Brunner. —No coal was produced from this mine during the year. Co-operative Mines in the Grey District. Spark and Party's Mine, llewawui. —All coal was won from development work to the east of the main dip. Old Eunanga Mine (O'Brien and Party).—No. 1 Seam: Pillar-extraction was continued throughout the year in coal with an average height of 3 ft. 6 in. This mine is nearing exhaustion, and it is estimated that the probable life is about nine months. No. 2 Seam: Pillar-extraction in the rise panels was continued during the year. A new dip was started for the purpose of developing an area of thin coal to the west of the main level. The dip was advanced a total distance of 3 chains in coal with a height of 3 ft. 6 in. Moody Creek Mine '(Simpson and Party).—Operations throughout the year were confined to pillarextraction (in No. 2 main dip), which has now retreated to No. 7 level. Goldlight Colliery (McKensie and Party).—During the year the main dip was advanced 3 chains, making a total distance of 8 chains. Work was confined to development on the north and south sides of the main dip. A second outlet has been secured by driving, from the surface, a level drive 6 chains in length. At the entrance to the stone drive an electrically-driven " Blackman" streamlined fan was installed.

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