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Burins 1942 three fatalities occurred in the West Coast District, two in tlic Southern District, and one in the Northern District. Twenty-five serious non-fatal accidents were reported to the district Inspectors—fourteen m the West Coast District, seven in the Southern District, and four in the Northern District. Seven of the serious accidents in the West Coast District and three in the Southern District were caused by falls of coal or stone. Two men were seriously injured by being struck by pieces of coal from shots and three by being crushed between'mine-tubs. Dangerous Occurrences Reported Of the twenty-five dangerous occurrences reported to the Inspectors during 11)42 nineteen were related to fires or heating in underground workings. There were three reports of firedamp accumulations and one of an accumulation of blackdamp. Inrushes of water were reported in the Pukemiro South Mine and the Blackball Mine. Prosecutions . „, Tw ° nt f informations were laid during 1942 by Inspectors of Coal-mines for breaches ot the Coal-mines Act and the regulations thereunder. Nineteen convictions were obtained and the twentieth case was withdrawn. Brief details are given in the Inspectors' reports, ' Legislation Affecting Coal-mines Jvo amendment to the Coal-mines Act was passed in 1942, but in March an amendment to the regulations under this Act of thirty-three clauses was gazetted. I have, &c., George Duggan, Inspecting Engineer and Chief Inspector of Coal-mines.