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Lake County, Glenorchy Scheelite Mining Co., Ltd., Western Slope, Mount Judith. —This company operated until the end of January only, when the mine and the Paradise Mine were taken over by the State. Heather Jock Scheelite Syndicate (Wylie Bros.), Western Slope, Mount LavUin. —No scheelite-bearing quartz was located at the southern end of the reef, so the water-race was extended and the sluicing plant installed to command " Frobes" reef. After sluicing off a large quantity of overburden from several sections of the reef, a scheelite-bearing section of the lode was located at the end of the summer season. On the resumption of operations in the spring this section was stripped, and ore is now being won. Elliot Bros, and Tripp, Bonnie Jean Mine, South-western Slope, Mount Larkim. —During the early portion of the year tlie reef which had been stripped was lifted, and yielded nearly 17 tons of concentrates. Stripping operations were then resumed until the winter weather caused a cessation. Stripping operations were again resumed in the spring, and good uso lias been made of the flush water in the removal of a large quantity of overburden. Sharp, Harris, and Wetherston. —Driving and stoping operations were carried out at the extension of the Boozer reef until the scheelite-bearing ore cut out. Driving and stoping operations were carried out in the Bonnie Jean Gorge Mine in very heavy and faulted reef. A new entrance tunnel was driven and considerable driving and crosscutting lias been carried out in. faulted ground. Groves Mine, on the Southern Side of the Bonnie Jem Creek. —The installation of the five-head battery, concenttating-table, and other treatment plant lias been completed. Development work in the nature of driving, rising, and sinking has been carried out, and this mine is now producing. Bonnie Jean Crossing Mine. —Sluicing operations were continued on the outcrop of this reef whenever water was available until the stripping became too heavy. Driving operations were then carried out near the battery gully. Eureka Bee/, near the Glenorchy Terminus of the Bucklerburn Aerial Ropeway.—Driving and stoping operations have been carried out in the northern section. 'Ground sluicing, trenching, and driving operations have also been carried out on the southern end of the outcrop. The Vailpy Buoklerbwrn Alluvial Mine has been damaged by frequent floods.. Moss Mine. —Driving, rising', and stoping operations have been carried out, and the mine has been a steady producer. Driving operations have been carried out. at the Thompson reef, and sluicing operations on an extension of this reef near Long Gully. Long Gully Mine. —Wateiwaces and a dam were constructed, a sluicing plant was installed, a.nd the Long Gully reef, covered by slip material, has been exposed; A small plant has been erected for the treatment of the crushed ore. Mount Mcintosh Mine. —Driving, sinking, and stoping operations have been continued and good ore has been won. Black Peak Mine. —Prospecting and mining work has been carried out and good ore won. Weathter conditions, however, were extreme during part of the working season. The Paulin Tribute Party continued to operate the Paradise Mine until the beginning of February, when this mine was acquired by the State. The party later began to prospect the reef on the hill slopes of the Bees Valley between thle twelve-mile and Precipice Creeks, by gravel sluicing, and also the reef in the Broadleaf section of the Bucklerburn Gorge, by driving. State Scheelite Mine. —The State acquired all the holdings of the Glenorchy Scheelite Mining Co. and commenced operations in February. A Resident Manager was appointed, and a programme for prospecting the Glenorchy Mine and prospecting and developing the Paradise Mine was instituted. In order to carry out. this programme it was necessary to equip both mines with extra power plant and new drilling and other equipment. Housing accommodation in the Glenorchy and Paradise areas was provided by the State for the staff and employees, and offices, store-rooms, change-houses, blacksmiths' shops, and machinery aheds have been ouilt. In the Glenorcliiy Mine, prospecting work has been carried out in the No. 7 or main trucking level, which has been extended to 1,055 ft. Nothing of importance has yet been located, but the level is being extended in order to ascertain if scheelite-bearing ore exists at depth. In the low or No. 8 level a considerable amount of rising and driving has been carried out, but the reef was small and nothing of importance was located, therefore operations liiave been suspended. The Nos. (i, 4, 3, and 2 levels have been cleaned up and reconditioned, and prospecting work is being carried out in No. 3 level. In the mine the large pillars are being split by means of four rise headings. Some stoping has also been carried out in the pillars between Nos. 0 and 7 levels. In order to provide increased water-supply for the treatment plant and the mine, the water-race and fluming from Stoney Creek to the battery has been cleaned out and reconditioned, and a dam has been constructed in the old abandoned workings in the upper levels of the mine. Access to the mine and the hill mines in the Bonnie Jean Basin has been improved. At the Paradise Mine a road has been formed, and the section from the Paradise-Glenorchy Road to the sheepyards has been metalled and made suitable for heavy traffic. In addition, repair work has been carried out to the hill tracks. At the Paradise Mine prospecting work was carried out in the main low level in order to pick up the downward extension of the Small or Hanging Wall reef, and since locating this reef it has been driven on, and the face was 547 ft. from the portal at the end of the year. From 250 ft. to 520 ft. this reef has yielded good ore; this ore was again encountered at 536 ft. At 333 ft. a crosscut was driven to the north to intersect the big reef—when intersected this reef was small. It has been driven on for 100 ft in mixed formation and reef-track; small lenses of good ore have been won from the reef-track. At 353 ft No. 2 rise was risen 69 ft. to the intermediate level. The reef in this rise yielded good ore; No. 3 rise has been commenced at 453 ft. During the latter part of the year the intermediate level was cleaned out and driving operations were commenced on both the Small and Big reefs. In order to provide a water-supply for the mine and the residents, a water-storage dam has been instructed. During the process of development at Paradise, the ore suitable for treatment is selected and transported to the treatment plant at the Glenorchy Mine. This plant has boon improved, and another crusher has been installed. An average of twenty-five men have been employed in or about thle Glenorchy Mine and treatment plant. The concentrates produced amounted to 9 tons 3 cwt. An average of fourteen men have been employed in or about the Paradise Mine, and tlie concentrates produced from development work amounted to 6 tons 14 cwt. ~, , . Sluicing operations were continued in the Moonlight Valley, Skippers, Shotovcr River, and Mountain Terrace. Operations ceased at Sandhills, and very little work was done in the A*ow River claims. Vincent' County. Scotlandi Lead Ltd.—Further prospecting operations were carried out on the deep lead under difficult conditions and as the company did not decide to sink a new shaft, operations had to be suspended. Scott'and Wells Mine, Kawarau Gorge.—Prospecting operations were carried on by driving, crosscuttine and sinking Nothing of value was located, and the balance of the auriferous section of this deer) lead' was' stoped out, this proved to be of very small dimensions. Further prospecting was then carried out by extending the main crosscut in order to ascertain if. a second lead existed. Nothing of importance was located.

3—C. 2.