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8.—7 [PT. I]



(a) Includes exchange, previously charged to " Permanent Appropriations—Exchange." (b) Reduction due to improvement in the unemployment position consequent upon the transfer of men to private employment. Includes £10,500 payable to vote, " National Service," for employment promotion administration expenses met by that vote in the first instance. The promotion of employment schemes are administered by the National Service Department. (c) Reduction in number of unemployed was not as great as anticipated when estimates were prepared. Salaries other Estimated. Recovered. (d) Credits-m-aid— salaries. oharges . r/ 0 d t ~f 4 ' 1942-43. 1942-43. Subdivision I .. .. .. .. .. 6,320 2,865 9,185 10,290 10,598 II .. .. .. .... 60 60 60 42 111 .. .. .. .... 250 250 1,000 711 Totals .. .. .. .. 6,320 3,175 9,495 11,350 11,351



Number ofPersons - VOTE—LABOUR—continued, 1943-44. 1942-43. 1943 441942 43 Voted. Expended. Subdivision No. II.—Immigration—continued. £ £ £ Charges foe and incidental to —continued. Portion of salaries and expenses in High Commissioner's Office, London .. .. .. .. .. (a) 912 730 730 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — £ Passages, nominated .. .. .. 50 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 10 60 Total—Subdivision No. II .. .. 1,052 870 825 Subdivision No. III. —Employment Promotion. Other Charges for and incidental to — Promotion of employment (including administration expenses, grants, subsidies, wages, and other expenses incidental to employment through employing authorities) (6)220,750 263,500 (c) 374,890 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — £ Promotion of employment: Fares, &c. .. 250 Total—Subdivision No. Ill .. .. 220,750 263,500 374,890 GROSS TOTAL .. .. .. .. 337,511 378,945 486,334 Credits-IN-AID (d) .. .. .. .. 9,495 11,350 11,351 NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. 328,016 367,595 474,983 I .