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8.—7 [PT. I]



(a) Installation extra storage tanks in launches. (h) Additional costs for season due to overhaul of launches and installation of petrol-storage tanks. (c) Number of officers, 20. Motor hire, £29 ; travelling-allowance, £697 ; rail and boat fares, &o„ £307.


Number 1942 43. of Persons. VOTE —MARINE —continued. 1943 44 1943 441942 43 Voted. Expended. Subdivision. No VI. —Fisheries —continued. £ £ £ Other Charges for and incidental to — Advertising, photographs, books, newspapers, and other publications .. .. .. •• 30 30 17 Barge, purchase of (on account) .. .. .. 10 10 Fisheries Act: Miscellaneous expenses of administration .. 10 10 1 Fisheries investigation .. .. .. • ■ 50 100 53 Fresh-water fisheries research .. .. .. .. 20 50 39 Launches, maintenance and working-expenses of .. 700 650 (a) 865 Motor-vehicles: Maintenance, &c., and accident costs .. 200 250 171 Office fittings and requisites, and office repairs .. .. 100 100 66 Overtime and meal allowances .. .. .. 20 10 28 Picking and sale of oysters (recoverable) .. .. 5,000 4,725 (b) 5,4ol Planting oysters (recoverable), (on account) .. .. 1,000 1,200 867 Portobello Marine Fish Hatchery Board: Grant .. 300 300 325 Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes .. .. .. 70 100 50 Printing and stationery .. .. .. .. 50 100 13 Prosecutions under the Fisheries Act, 1908, .. .. 40 50 48 Rent, fuel, light, power, and water .. .. .. 300 320 263 Salmon fisheries, expenses in connection with .. .. 100 200 52 Telephone services (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) .. .. • • 100 90 88 Toheroas : Investigation, research, and protection, &c. .. 20 30 o Transfer and removal expenses of officers .. .. 10 20 Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. •. 850 1,000 (c) 1,033 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of this subdivision.. .. .. 10 10 Repairs to office: Russell .. .. .. .. • • 20 Shrimp research: Grant to R. L. Neilson .. .. • • 25 Taieri Mouth: Slipway for fishermen .. .. .. • • 400 Waikawa slipway: Completion and improvements .... 70 37 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — £ Miscellaneous .. .. .. • • 150 8,990 9,870 9,470 Total—Subdivision No. VI ■■ .. 18,250 20,418 19,998 Subdivision No. VII. —Westport Harbour. Salaries — 20 20 20 (£122 to £715) .. .. .. •• 6,700 6,505 Total Number Allowances to officers performing special or higher duties of Persons. under Public Service Regulations 24a and 209.. 55 65 275 276 Cost-of-living allowances .. .. .. • • 415 415 — Instrument allowance . . .. • • • • 12 12 Lodging-allowance .. .. •• •• 3 20 1* 1,176 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — Contribution from Department of Internal £ Affairs .. .. .. ■ • 75 7,185 7,017 7,176 ■ a - ——— ( —