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8.—7 [PT. I]



(a) Increased freight on purchases. Includes cost of exchange, £10,325 previously charged to " Permanent Appropriations -—Exchange." (ib) Additional provision for new machinery. Includes cost of exchange, £1,600. (c) Includes provision for structural strengthening of the building. (d) Includes cost of exchange, £29,875, previously charged to " Permanent Appropriations—Exchango." (e) Includes cost of exchange, £1,375, previously charged to " Permanent Appropriations—Exchange." (/) Tram-fares, 16s. lid.; expenses of officers taking up duties, £8 17s. Bd.; sundries, 3s. 6d.: total, £9 18s. Id.


Number , Q oi Persons. 1943-44. 1943 441942-48 VOTE-PRINTING AND STATIONERY Voted. Expended. " —continued. £ £ £ Other Charges for and incidental to —continued. Fire-watching expenses .. .. .. • • 10 250 220 Freight, cartage, insurance ,. .. .. .. (a) 35,000 15,950 29,565 Fuel, power, gas, lighting, and water .. .. .. 2,000 2,000 1,844 Machinery, plant, tools, and accessories .. .. (6)8,500 5,000 5,361 Maintenance of fire-alarm .. .. .. .. 30 30 14 Medical services .. .. .. .. .. 20 30 13 Monotype machines, extras connected with .. .. 450 450 366 Office equipment, books, newspapers, and advertising .. 150 50 29 Overtime and meal allowances .. .. .. 12,000 12,000 12,934 Postage and telegrams .. .. .. 1,600 1,600 1,244 Rent .. .. .. .. .. .. 918 1,300 856 Repairs to premises, &c. .. .. .. .. (c) 3,600 650 202 Service of cleaners, messengers, &c. .. .. .. 2,600 2,600 2,497 Stationery, paper, &c., and office requisites .. .. (d) 199,375 195,000 211,541 Stores, bookbinding-material, and printing-ink .. .. (e) 16,875 15,000 10,316 Telephone services (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) .. .. .. .. 155 135 134 Type and printing material .. .. .. .. 20 30 / Type metal .. .. .. .. .. 300 300 232 Window-cleaning, laundering, and rubbish-removal .. 150 150 111 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote .. .. .. 30 30 (_/) 10 284,298 253,030 278,016 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. 414,890 395,400 405,140 \ Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. 414,890 395,400 405,140